
Love God; Love People
This group fitness phenomenon is starting up soon at a leisure centre near me. From what I've seem online the classes look like great fun and seem to be aerobics with dance-type steps based on letters of the alphabet.

Anyone been and what is it like in terms of intensity, and ease of getting the steps?

I'm looking forward to it :)
Haven't been yet but heard about it from others - very positive. At least as sweaty and energetic as zumba but with a different vibe. Try you tube to get a sense of it. I'm just waiting for it to turn up locally:D
Went to my first class this week, thoroughly enjoyed it and will be going back. Also go to Zumba which I am enjoying - I just go at my pace unable to do some of the jumping due to arthritis in knees and one replacement hip. At the end of the class I feel a lot looser and toned.