Attack Boo boo?


Silver Member
Hi all, ok so say two of attack and thought I was doing well and had a slice of corned beef from marks but stopped and panicked are we allowed corned beef? I'm upset now if I've ruined it without even meaning to as I am coping quite well :( plus the book says if you don't have high colestral 2 eggs a day is fine so that's what I've had....but some people are saying 4 a week is enough? Also book says yoghurts like muller fat free with fruit us ok limited to 2 a day...Should I just follow the book?
Don't want to ruin it already :(
Any help appreciated as always x
I'm not sure which book you have but mine didn't specifically mention muller yoghurts, I know these were allowed back in the day but aren't anymore - some do still use them, however I do not. Preferring to flavour my own plain yoghurt.

On the subject of eggs, I have no known cholesterol issues and just eat as many as I want, probably works out to 3 per day with baked goods and boiled eggs. If you aren't suffering from cholesterol issues I think it's best to just be sensible, don't live off eggs :). If you feel it necessary you can always get your cholesterol level checked with your practice nurse, to be on the safe side.

With regards to corned beef it's not allowed, it's too fatty and if memory serves has additives which also wouldn't be allowed. Lesson is to read packs in future. For tonight, I'd just drink plenty of water, don't worry about it and don't make the same mistake twice :). Easier said than done but you'll get used to the Dukan method as you go along xxx

(Do not beat yourself up over it, negative emotions feed the food demon within x)
Thanks alottolose I bloody knew it! Thank goodness I clicked on one slice and fiancé now has it in his pieces for work tomorrow!! Gutter was doing well but ho hum forward I go! I had tests done in hospital not long ago so I know my stats are good so I'll keep to my 2 a day.
Btw the book didn't specify muller that was me adding the name as its the only fat free that spring to mind. But book defo says 2 a day limit for fruity bits :)

Thanks for your support, a new day tomorrow xxx
Mine says no fruit :) I like the original - it's still the best for me :)

I buy own brand low fat natural yoghurt and sweeten and flavour myself at home. (better for waistline & wallet)

One slice of corned beef is not going to 'blow' your Attack. We all make little mistakes, especially at the beginning, but frankly the regime is so strict (harsh?) it would be virtually impossible not to lose weight anyway. Like Alottolose, though, I would definitely avoid fruit yoghurts - flavour plain, fat-free yoghurt with sweetener or I think some people mix in sugar-free jelly granules.

Good luck!
yes you are allowed sugar free jelly in attack :)
you can have up to 3 portions a day.... 1 sachet makes up 4 portions
Jan, every post your posting is more possitive than the last, your doing great forget about the c.beef focus on all the goodies, ff jelly etc x