Boofaloo's journey to gorgeousness!


Gold Member
After looking into diets and having tried most of them i've decided not to follow any 'diet' again!! :D
I have 5 stones to lose and have run out of excuses as to why i am not losing it! I have recently had my 4th and final child and the baby factory is now closed. I really need to shift this weight that has accumulated over the past 11 years.

So if i'm not going on a diet what on earth am i going to do? Well i've thought about it a lot and something that worked well in the past is keeping a diary. The plan is to eat healthier food, eat smaller portions and limit treats. I obviously need to up my exercise too and aim to do 30 minutes 5 times a week.

I am really up for losing this weight - i'm excited to be slim again. I know after 4 children i have to be realistic in what i'll achieve but an end result of looking like Cheryl Cole would be nice. :D:D

My first goal is to lose a stone. Those 14 little pounds will really give me the boost i need - plus, i'll be able to ride my horse guilt free instead of thinking i'm squashing him.:rolleyes:

So tomorrow is weigh day and start day - i genuinely cant wait!!
Good luck Helen, starting is half the battle! :)
Ok so i've started and I think i've chosen the hardest week! My DH has just gone on business for a week leaving me with all four kids for the first time since having my baby.
On the upside i've been so busy today has been easy on the downside i'm a bit lonely and can feel the urge to pig out tonight cos i'm on my own.
i havent managed any exercise yet but am going to wait until the children are in bed and then do some step in front of the telly.

So today:

breakfast: medium bowl cornflakes, banana, low fat hot chocolate drink

Lunch; Ham salad sandwich, apple, diet coke

Dinner: Chicken, sweetcorn, new potatoes. 1 litre water

Exercise: 30 minutes step.
Oh no Oh no Oh no. The last 2 days has been rubbish. I have tried to be good but have had little treats here and there and then got on the scales to see i've put on 2lbs!!!!!!!
i know it's probably water weight but it put me onto a downward spiral and i pigged out. :(
I really didnt want to go on a diet again but am now thinking to give me an initial boost i will need to do something a bit more structured.
On the up side i have been exercising :) I have done some step and lots of walking so thats good.
We have a holiday booked at centerparcs in March next year and i would like to be eleven stone something by then so thats my main goal now - although i will have lots of little goals to get me there.

So dietwise i know i can't do WW or SW again - the counting of points and faffing about with green and red days just irritates me!!!
I am thinking about slim fast - i did cambridge and lost 2 1/2 stones so i know the structured approach suits me. I dont know much about it even though i have tried it before - i played at it and my evening meal was never a healthy meal, more a make up for it meal!

I dont want to spend the next week faffing about so am going to get my head sorted quick. I still have that massive desire to lose weight. I am NOT getting on the scales again for awhile - it got me down so much that i know i'll fall off the wagon again.

I will not give up - I can do this. x
SO i'm still faffing. :rolleyes::cry:My desire to lose weight hasn't gone but my love of all things fatty and sweet is beating me at the moment.
I was contemplating doing slim fast as i found 2 tins of unopened powder but made one shake and felt a huge sense of depression. The diet thing really isnt for me. I start doing a particular diet but have a slip up and then feel like a huge failure. This makes me then feel depressed and i then eat for england. I know the solution is to not cheat in the first place but in reality eventually i will cheat as there are always restrictions.

I know if i just cut out the rubbish and eat 3 meals a day with maybe one sweet thing like a yoghurt or fruit i'll lose weight. i think i'm just looking for a quick fix and i have to get my head around the fact that there is no such thing.

I am cross with myself at having this whole discussion again - i had made up my mind. I hate that this is so difficult. Why do i battle with myself but then not actually 'do' anything about my weight?

Ok so today has been rubbish again diet wise. I've exercised again so hopefully that's helping in some way.

Tomorrow is another day and i WILL crack this and lose my weight.

just to add - my weight has stayed the same.
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I got weighed today and i'm still 14st 9lbs. I seem to be sticking at this weight which is a good thing considering what i've been eating.
I have actually done a bit better the last couple of days. I am doing the exercise which i think is helping me stay at this weight.

So i have been thinking a lot about my 'food' issues and have come up with a few thoughts:
Firstly i am a lazy cook - i dont enjoy cooking so very rarely eat meals unless my DH makes food for me that is apart from breakfast - i always eat breakfast.
Secondly I have a sweet tooth and like a dessert after meals. If i dont have something sweet i dont feel like my meal is complete!
Thirdly I'm an emotional eater. i eat when i'm happy, sad, lonely, depressed - you get the idea!!

One thing i would really like which will sound silly to other people is a pair of long riding boots and a pair of wellies!! At the moment i cant find any to fit the width of my legs. I really should concentrate on my goals instead of dwelling on how hard losing weight is and maybe i will get those wellies by next winter!

Every day is a new start and i am going to stop beating myself up - i can do this and next week i will be thinner!!!!
Had an interesting day today. I caught up with a friend who is a cambridge counsellor, she has decided that she is giving up the counselling as she has returned to her other job.
As she has loads of CD stuff left over she has offered me it and i have to admit i'm a bit tempted.
The only thing stopping me is my 'fear' of dieting again only to fail. I know if i do take the CD i have to do it as the feeling of failure if i slip up will be too much for me and i will really be affected by it.
The other thing in the back of my mind is i'd love to be a CD counsellor. It's something i think i would love and i know i'd be good at it as i would be able to really empathise with my clients. If i can manage to lose my weight by March next year i could do this and this would end a worry i have about what i would do to earn money once my maternity allowance runs out.

Lots to think about now - this could be the answer to the questions i have.
I start CD tomorrow. I have got some stuff off my friend but she didnt have as much as i thought so i've just got enough to give me a bit of a kick start.
I have 21 bars/tetras so enough to do 1 full week or longer if i use it for 1 or 2 meals a day instead of doing it each meal.
I have also signed up to weight watchers online for when i've done my week so i can keep the weight off. I know i might gain a bit back because of glycogen etc but as long as i can keep the majority of it off i'll be pleased.
I have taken a before photo but am not brave enough to post it on the internet yet. Maybe when i've lost a couple of stones :)
So I am now in the 'doing' phase of my plan. I've thought about it enough and now have a plan of action.
I accept i have to follow a plan to lose my weight and re-educate myself on what to eat. I know i need to exercise more and eat less and using WW online will help me keep a track of what i eat.

So this is it now - the journey really begins. :)
Hey you! Good to see you back, Have poorly child at the mo so am off, hope you are ok, might see you monday at school if Im back!
Hey Vicky - hope your gorgeous girl is better soon. it's awful when they're ill. :(

So i'm still trying - i did CD for 3 days but got fed up and depressed. I hated every minute of it and although i lost 4lbs in the 3 days i stopped doing it.
I am now using CD in a morning for brekkie as it's just easier, then i'm being careful and eating sensibly. I havent got weighed again so dont know if i've put the 4lbs back on or not.
I feel ok about things and am just plodding on. I would like to have lost a stone by christmas so thats my little mini goal.
Stone by xmas seems a good idea, 10 weeks to go, so even 1lb a week will help.

Im away for the weekend and then getting back on some form of wagon!!

Am off Thursday and Friday next week, so give us a text if you are stuck at home and we'll call over x
Well i've been avoiding posting at the risk of looking silly. After all i said about not doing a specific diet again i joined weight watchers yesterday!
I just needed to do something and after trying to do it on my own and actually managing to not lose anything and gain a pound i'd had enough!!
i am doing fine and feel positive, i will lose weight and i feel i'm finally on the right track.
I'll keep updating my diary as to how i'm doing - i'm looking forward to getting to goal!!!
I lost 3.5lbs at my first meeting! I was really pleased with that as i dont feel ive been on a diet!
I have been counting my points and although i felt hungry for the first few days that has now gone and i am managing to stay within my points really easily.
I am due to get weighed on Monday and reckon i'll have lost a pound. I know that doesnt sound a lot and to be honest a few weeks ago that would have been like torture but now i dont care how slowly it comes off just as long as it comes off.
If i only lose a pound a week for 6 months that means by the time i go to centerparcs in March i'll have lost 2 stones which is fab!
SO second week i lost another 3lbs so total of 6.5lbs so far. I made a huge mistake and celebrated with cheesecake:break_diet:and it's gone down hill since then! I got on the scales and have put on a pound and have 2 days to pull it back.
I am so fed up with myself and cant seem to get back on track because i feel so guilty. I know i should just draw a line under it and move on but i cant seem to. I dont want this week to jeopordise my whole weight loss journey but i cant seem to pick myself up and move on from being so bad!
I am dreading weighing in on Monday in fact i've been thinking of not going which is daft really cos i pay monthly so it's only me that's missing out.
I hate this guilt and the way you feel when you slip up - i need to find a way to move on before i go into proper self destruct mode!!!!
Just a quick post to say i'm back on track and doing fine. I got weighed this morning and was the same as last weigh in so felt a bit better about things. I have stayed within my points allowance today and have just started again.
I am sure this wont be the first wobble i have, i just hope my next one isnt for a while. :)
I went to class today even though i didnt want to!! I have put on a pouns and a half so was a bit gutted. I was a bit disappointed at my leaders reaction - i said i'd struggled this week and she didnt seem too bothered! I expected her to give me some words of advice or ask me if i knew why i'd put weight on but nope nothing!!! Considering i'm a new member i thought this was a bit rubbish, i could have done with some words of encouragement.
Anyway i thought about it and i'm fine now. I know it's the end result that matters and i know why i've put weight on this week. Thats all that matters really - I have started again and i plan to have a 100% week, i'm realy gonna put it to the test!! Have to be honest though and say if i dont get any better support i'm gonna stop paying to go to classes and do it on my own cos it's not worth it!
I have had a bowl of cheerios with skimmed milk for breakfast and a turkey, cranberry and stuffing sandwich for lunch. I have yet to point it up properly but i reckon i've had 9 or 10 so far today. I'm having a ww meal for tea with lots of veggies which will be low in points so i'll have enough for a treat tonight. I'm having all my points every day cos i get hungry but i'm not counting or using any bonus points i earn this week .
I'm just updating quickly - my body decided it was time of the month yesterday evening so am putting my gain down to that as i feel lousy! i tracked perfectly yesterday and got on the scales this morning to see it working. Today hasnt been so great tracking wise - i started fine but it's all gone a bit to pot. I've tried to keep track of what i've eaten so here it is for today:

Shreddies with skimmed milk and sugar (5 points)
snack a jacks (4 points)
No point soup (0 points!:))
hot chocolate (2 points)
Stir fry veg and noodles (6 points)
penguin (3 points)
3 choccies (3 points)

Total 23 points

Thats a point over for today but i'll pull it back tomorrow or do some exercise later on. I just needed the choc today - you girls will understand what i mean, at this time of the month nothing else will do!!

Am pretty happy with how things are going, i would really love a huge weight loss next week though. 4 lbs would be fab!
Today has been fine - i've used all my points though and it's only half five!!!
I think i'm over estimating a bit with some things but i'm not counting activity points so i'm hoping it'll all work out fine. I'm having a party on Friday and am looking forward to it loads - i've already decided to have no point soup during the day until the party so i can have a few nibbles.
I've been horse riding quit a lot and am doing step infront of the telly on a night. I am earning 3 extra points a day but am not using them.
We'll see on weigh day whether it's working or not!!
HI guys.
So it's weigh in tomorrow and i've made a big decision. Tomorrow will be the last class meeting i go to. I am just not a group kind of girl. I am doing it on my own anyway and after i didnt receive the support i needed last week i've decided to go it alone. i know in a sense it'll be tougher as i dont have the public humiliation to endure if i've put weight on one week but to be honest if thats the only reason i am sticking to the diet then i'm not doing it for the right reasons anyway.
I had a good chat with my lovely hubby the other day and we were talking about people who have lost weight only for it to go back on again. We agreed that my whole lifestyle has to change and until it does even if i follow weight watchers to the letter it'll be for nothing as the weight will come back on again.
This was a bit of a wake up call for me as i've been spending points on high fat stuff. Even though it's within points level it really isnt fine and it's definately not healthy. I need to get to the point where i choose healthy stuff because i want it not because i think i should eat that kind of food.
I also need to do a lot more exercise. I horse ride and plan to do that a lot more often. i would also like to dance - thats a little secret of mine. I've always liked the idea of learning how to dance but have never done anything about it so maybe now's the time!!
So minimins is going to be my lifeline more than ever. After Mondays weigh in i will change my weigh day to Saturday morning as it suits me better. I will record my weight on here and be completely honest about how i'm doing. You will be my support system from now on :)
I lost 2lbs this week. I am pleased with that as i've hit my 1/2 stone loss and got my first silver 7.
I am sticking to my decision as well and not going to a class again - i just dont enjoy them. I am determined to lose weight anyway and feel well on my way.
I am trying to stick to 20 points this week so that i've got a few left over for the weekend when i find it hard - so far so good today. :)