Does anyone make there own bread?, how do you make a light loaf?.
slimlinetonic Full Member 9 May 2012 #1 Does anyone make there own bread?, how do you make a light loaf?.
K karenelainea Member 10 May 2012 #2 No but am interested to see if u get any response!! I got a bread machine fox Xmas I'm dying to use!!! X
No but am interested to see if u get any response!! I got a bread machine fox Xmas I'm dying to use!!! X
BritMumInCanada Gold Member 10 May 2012 #3 I do, I just use a standard whole wheat recipe. It does contain a little oil and sugar, but then so does shop bought whole wheat bread, so I just bake he bread in the machine as normal and have 60g as my HEa allowance.
I do, I just use a standard whole wheat recipe. It does contain a little oil and sugar, but then so does shop bought whole wheat bread, so I just bake he bread in the machine as normal and have 60g as my HEa allowance.