breastfeeding and cc


Silver Member
Hi,I'm new to cc . Does anyone know how many extra calories I can have if I'm breastfeeding. My boy is also on 3 meals a day but feeds 4 or 5 times over 24 hours. Thanks for reading x
Hi there, if your baby is solely on breast milk alone you need to be consuming between approx 2000, 2,500 calories a day total and plenty of fluids obviously. Don't ever cut your daily calories below 1800 or baby won't be satisfied and you will feel dreadful, around the 2000- 2200 while breast feeding is is usually a good amount to start shifting the baby weight but still guarantee a well nourished and satisfied baby. Hope this is helpful to you x
Yes very rewarding. He is ten months old now and I'm having trouble getting him off the breast, hence he is fed so Mich.

My little lady fed for 12.5 months. She self-weaned and never looked back and I was so upset- I thought she'd really miss it! What helped with us was moving feeds to after naps instead of before, as she usually woke up chirpy and forgot to look for boob!
Thanks for the reply. You did well. My other son was fed for 22 months and was happy to stop feeding. My youngest son is a complete milk monster. It's a great idea feeding when they wake but my son cries and cries and won't go to sleep till he has been fed so I've kind of got myself stuck in a rut. I wouldn't change him for the world but I do wish he wasn't so reliant on mummy milk to get to sleep.
Thanks for the reply. You did well. My other son was fed for 22 months and was happy to stop feeding. My youngest son is a complete milk monster. It's a great idea feeding when they wake but my son cries and cries and won't go to sleep till he has been fed so I've kind of got myself stuck in a rut. I wouldn't change him for the world but I do wish he wasn't so reliant on mummy milk to get to sleep.

I know exactly what you mean. Our little one had bad reflux and colic so I got into the routine of feeding her to sleep. It was the only way to get any sleep! Unfortunately she woke constantly during the night looking for boob so at 10 months we night-weaned her (a tough week for daddy soothing her!) and then she learned to fall asleep herself. I hadn't had any time away from her in those 10 months so I was feeling pretty trapped! She never took a bottle either.

Anyway, I'm rambling but fingers crossed your little man will turn a corner soon and give mummy a break! In the mean time, enjoy the boost to your weight loss ;)
squishymcfatterson said:
I know exactly what you mean. Our little one had bad reflux and colic so I got into the routine of feeding her to sleep. It was the only way to get any sleep! Unfortunately she woke constantly during the night looking for boob so at 10 months we night-weaned her (a tough week for daddy soothing her!) and then she learned to fall asleep herself. I hadn't had any time away from her in those 10 months so I was feeling pretty trapped! She never took a bottle either.

Anyway, I'm rambling but fingers crossed your little man will turn a corner soon and give mummy a break! In the mean time, enjoy the boost to your weight loss ;)

Your not rambling at all. It's great to hear of a successful story on how to get a baby to stop feeding. At this rate I think I'll still be feeding at the school gates. Dreading going back to work , have 4.5 months off still so am hoping to only be feeding once a day then but I think harry has other ideas. X
Your not rambling at all. It's great to hear of a successful story on how to get a baby to stop feeding. At this rate I think I'll still be feeding at the school gates. Dreading going back to work , have 4.5 months off still so am hoping to only be feeding once a day then but I think harry has other ideas. X

Don't worry, 4.5 months is a long time away in baby-land so I'm sure a lot will change by then. Even if it doesn't, if you're not there during the day he might not look for it! They adapt more easily than we think. You'll probably have to make up for it with a big cuddly feed in the evenings, how lovely for you both ;)

Good luck! X
squishymcfatterson said:
Don't worry, 4.5 months is a long time away in baby-land so I'm sure a lot will change by then. Even if it doesn't, if you're not there during the day he might not look for it! They adapt more easily than we think. You'll probably have to make up for it with a big cuddly feed in the evenings, how lovely for you both ;)

Good luck! X

Thank you x
Does anyone have experience of night weaning ? Not cc related but hope someone can help x

Yes! It was hard work for us. Our problem was that dd was always fed to sleep, so whenever she woke during the night she looked for boob to get back asleep. For us to night wean I first had to stop feeding her to sleep, so that was the hard part really.

I moved her last feed to before bath etc and did it downstairs, bright room, TV on etc so she didn't fall asleep. Then bath, pj's and a few books, quiet room, dimmed lights, all very relaxing. Then popped her into the cot and yes, she cried, roared, screamed but I stayed right beside her cot and ssshed her and soothed her until she eventually fell asleep (50 minutes the first night!) (it's not "cry-it-out" because you are there with them). We did this for 3 nights (and naps) and after that, I moved from beside the cot to across the room. 3 nights later I moved to the door, then outside the door and then eventually I didn't need to be there anymore. Now we just pop her in the cot after her story and close the door and she chats herself to sleep!

Anyway, I'm straying from the point. Maybe your little one can fall asleep himself? If so ignore all that! But usually the main reason for night wakings is not hunger but comfort.

Once we started the steps above, we put my boobs on lockdown during the night. This meant that if dd woke at all before 6am, my hubby had to go in and soothe her back to sleep so that she wouldn't hear/see/smell me at all. Hubby had to soothe her without taking her out of the cot, so this meant sssshing her, patting or rubbing her back (but not too much!), singing to her. Again, this was so she would learn to fall back asleep without the boob.

It's tough, I won't lie, but hubby knew how exhausted and drained I was so he was on board to help out. It took less than 2 weeks and now she sleeps like a dream, 7-7 most nights. She slowly weaned herself from the boob because I started to feed her when she woke up in the morning or after naps. Usually she was so happy to be awake etc, she'd forget to feed! She didn't miss it at all but I did :(

Hope that helps? Any questions just ask! X
Thanks for your reply. That sounded hard work.
As you can see I'm replying at a ridiculously silly time.

Have bit the bullet tonight.

Ds woke a few times and self settled but has been awake a hour now, going in every ten mins to check and say night to him.

I guess I'm lucky that he can self settle although doesn't seem to be at the moment.

Opps, pressed the send button. As I was saying or think I was saying am checking on him every ten mins. Keep feeling like caving in and feeding him but he doesn't need it. I have been picking him up and hugging him everytime I go in the room. He isn't constantly crying although he does keep going for it. He has been awake since 255. It's now 405. I am hoping he will go to sleep soon.

Did cc a bit with my oldest who is now 4 but he wasn't as reliant on milk as this one.

I really appreciate your help and reply. Thank you. X