Breastfeeding and Dukan Diet

Hello, I am considering starting the Dukan diet, I have 2.5 stone to lose, however I am still breastfeeding, I have started weaning and I only feed 2 - 3 times a day but I wanted to know if this diet effects your milk supply? :)
Doubt it will as your body will still take what it needs for your milk, not that I have tried it also not sure what Dr Dukan says in the book - if you have the book it is bound to have an advisory for breast feeding mums????
Good luck if you give it a go - it's a great diet. x
On breastfeeding, from the Amerian book (pg. 134)

"However much weight you have put on, if you are breastfeeding, it is impossible to follow an overly strict diet that would affect the newborn baby's nutrition.

I reccommend eating as if you were simply managing your weight during a normal pregnancy, following the Consolidation phase, made easier by
* Having 2 portions of fruit per day instead of 1.
* Using 1% fat milk and milk products instead of nonfat ones.
* Leaving out protein Thursdays."

Hope that helps :) It's good information to know because my personal trainer is pregnant and has been quizing me on whether or not she can do the diet after she has her baby :D Finally have an answer for her :woohoo: