Butternut squash


Full Member
I changed to red and totally obsessed with it now! Just thought I would put this out here but if you faff around peeling it don't bother I roasted mine with the skin on tonight because I forgot to peel it and it was fine take the same time in the oven and the skin goes crispy yum yum yum!

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It's currently one of my favourites too! I love it in soup. It is such a faff to peel though. Might follow your advice next time and roast it, thanks for the hint :)
Yeas deffo you don't need to roast it just pop it in your soup and bring to the boil when the flesh is soft so will the skin! Sobthen you can blend or leave it chunky! But if ku roast it it might have more flavour??

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Mmmm, I think I'll make some tomorrow. A friend recently made squash risotto and said it was lush so I'm going to try that at some point too.
I've become totally addicted to BNS since starting SW. Lurvvvvve it roasted but never tried it 'as it comes' - but that could be because I've never had a problem peeling it. Just use the blade peeler i've had for yonks. However, I'm going to give the o-naturel method next time.
The skin's the best bit! And its FULL of nutrients and fibre! :)