
I found it at Asda I was looking for a low fat cheese and came across this and Low low when I checked the nutritional values per 100g RC's was half the calories of low low I was being lazy and thought I'd see if anyone knew first before I got out my calculator
Thanks, my local asda used to sell all rosemary products but they haven't sold any for about 2 years now so I am struggling to get hold of some. Hope you enjoy it, its supposed to be very good.

hello babooshaka i'm inspired by your weight loss so far, I started RC last tuesday so my first weigh in is coming up. Have i read i right did you lose 16lb in your first week? Well done :D
I did indeed Ruby but I think alot of that was water rentention and not actually fat lol plus the fact that I was very very fat to start with lol
Don't know if you found it but RC cheese is only 53 calories an ounce and as its mature cheese you don't knned as much either! Bonus :)