Cambridge Weight plan struggling


New Member
Hi everyone
I'm new here but have loved reading all your posts on CWP so thought Id join up as I'm really struggling tonight. My start weight is 12st 9 and I'm 5 ft 2. I'm on day 8 of sole source . Weighed in this evening and lost a crappy 2 pounds. One week of deprivation and misery and only 2 miserable pounds gone. My consultant was lovely saying it was my thyroid issue - im hypothyroid. The support went over my head. I'm feeling exhausted, itchy, fed up and depressed. I just had 5 richtea biscuits. I also suffer with binge eating so its all or nothing for me. I would love a healthy relationship with food and not have to spend 99percent of my life consumed by weight/diets/ body image etc. I would love to be the type of person that is happy in a bigger body. I can't be happy when I'm so fatigued all the time. These plus size models don't look frazzled or wrecked even in their lovely large bodies. not sure what to do. I can't give up CWP now. I will hate myself come September when all my holidays / parties are planned. I've been successful before on CWP but never managed to change anything in terms of healthy living once I finished hence my frustration. Can any one shed any light?
Hi everyone
I'm new here but have loved reading all your posts on CWP so thought Id join up as I'm really struggling tonight. My start weight is 12st 9 and I'm 5 ft 2. I'm on day 8 of sole source . Weighed in this evening and lost a crappy 2 pounds. One week of deprivation and misery and only 2 miserable pounds gone. My consultant was lovely saying it was my thyroid issue - im hypothyroid. The support went over my head. I'm feeling exhausted, itchy, fed up and depressed. I just had 5 richtea biscuits. I also suffer with binge eating so its all or nothing for me. I would love a healthy relationship with food and not have to spend 99percent of my life consumed by weight/diets/ body image etc. I would love to be the type of person that is happy in a bigger body. I can't be happy when I'm so fatigued all the time. These plus size models don't look frazzled or wrecked even in their lovely large bodies. not sure what to do. I can't give up CWP now. I will hate myself come September when all my holidays / parties are planned. I've been successful before on CWP but never managed to change anything in terms of healthy living once I finished hence my frustration. Can any one shed any light?
Hi, I'm on my third week now in my first week I only 4 lbs and I was a lil disappointed as it's alot of work for me to not eat , but on my second I lost 7 lbs and felt alot better and glad I stayed on track, I noticed now my hunger is alot less than It used to be although I still have days where I'd kill for a chinese, today being one of those days but I keep thinking ahead to my next weigh day and how glad il be if I have another loss, I know it's gonna be a bit slower with your thyroid problems but youv done this before and you know it's possible :) you'll thank yourself in September and it will definitely be worth it x
I use this chart for inspiration I know it's a few weeks out of date x


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