Hey everyone; I'm Rebecca and I'm new to the forum.
My current weight is 19st4; I've been overweight for a long long time but this weight is the lowest I've been in a while. I started off by coming off the contraceptive pill and rocketing from 16st to 22st.
It's even taken me effort to register on here; I read you guys' posts and they're so helpful but never had the guts to face up to my weight problem and I simply cannot do weight loss groups. I find myself disgusted being face to face with people who know my weight.
So now I turned over a new leaf, or so I thought. I do regular exercise; scuba, swimming, gym and high intensity fitness classes 3/4 times a week normally and I'm doing ww pro points diet.
I've lost 5lbs so far which is great!, but then I just stop. I don't know how to explain it but I just stop. I had a bereavement this week and I did a lot of hours at work and I've been tired so I did my regular scuba class but nothing else so far. I work in Next part time and am on my feet all day and I just feel like giving up( I can't accept I'm tired and just feel fat and lazy for wanting a bath instead of the gym. I go over my points by 2/3 every single day ( I have 42) but last week I managed to exercise it off so I not only had activity points but 'spares' too. But this week I only have 30 spares left, and I honestly just feel like giving up.
Someone help; support is desperately needed as I'm only on week 3
and I feel I'm already failing.
My current weight is 19st4; I've been overweight for a long long time but this weight is the lowest I've been in a while. I started off by coming off the contraceptive pill and rocketing from 16st to 22st.
It's even taken me effort to register on here; I read you guys' posts and they're so helpful but never had the guts to face up to my weight problem and I simply cannot do weight loss groups. I find myself disgusted being face to face with people who know my weight.
So now I turned over a new leaf, or so I thought. I do regular exercise; scuba, swimming, gym and high intensity fitness classes 3/4 times a week normally and I'm doing ww pro points diet.
I've lost 5lbs so far which is great!, but then I just stop. I don't know how to explain it but I just stop. I had a bereavement this week and I did a lot of hours at work and I've been tired so I did my regular scuba class but nothing else so far. I work in Next part time and am on my feet all day and I just feel like giving up( I can't accept I'm tired and just feel fat and lazy for wanting a bath instead of the gym. I go over my points by 2/3 every single day ( I have 42) but last week I managed to exercise it off so I not only had activity points but 'spares' too. But this week I only have 30 spares left, and I honestly just feel like giving up.
Someone help; support is desperately needed as I'm only on week 3