Can Losing Weight Fix Unwanted Hair ?


Full Member
I was told by my Dr. that all I have to do is lose weight and it will fix my fertility issues and irregular period issues.

But when it fix my hormone issues ? Will the unwanted hair stop growing as soon as I lose the weight needed ?

Has anyone resolved their body hair issues once they lost the weight ? Or have you seen in progress with less hair growing back ?
I just saw your post. I've been told before that losing weight won't sort the hair which makes me wonder would I've had pcos anyhow even if I'd been slim? I do know there are thin women out there with the condition too and maybe the pcos plus the heriditary aspect led to my diabetes? I didn't help matters with poor diet and lifestyle but instead of beating myself up for getting so fat maybe it was on the cards anyhow?

Sorry am just thinking out loud here lol. Gonna check out your pcos diary links.:)
No its cool, I know what your saying. I think my biggest fear is that I lose all this weight and nothing changes. My period don't come and I still don't ovulate either. I think that part would be the worst to me.

Oh and thanks for checking out the site...LOL I hope u liked it. Smile.
Hi Ladies,

I've been a lurker on the forums for ages but for the first time I feel like I could actually contribute here!

I've suffered from PCOS since I was in my early teens, never had regular periods and always had issues with the hair - argh the dreaded hair!

I hit 20 stone last year - not a good moment for anyone and it kicked my bum into gear. I've since lost 4.5 stone and I'm inexplicably now a comfortable size 16 at 15.5 stone... I assume doing all that daily "weightlifting" (walking around with 20 stone on my back) means I'm pretty muscly!

In terms of the PCOS symptoms, they're getting much better with the weight loss. My periods are like clockwork now (which, much as it's nice to feel normal for the first time ever, is a bit annoying - once a month?! I'm not used to that!) and the hair is still there, but lighter in colour and requiring a lot less maintenance.

I've found that low carbing has really helped me - it took me a while to get to a low carb diet, but I find it really suits me and the symptoms have lessened whilst I've been on it. I'm following Dukan (and when I slip up, trying to slip up into Atkins territory - i.e. cheese will hurt me less than a potato). I've got a lot more energy all the time on low carb, and I've channelled that into the gym, which has become a bit of an addiction - I never go less than 3x a week.

It takes a LOT of determination to ditch those horrible PCOS symptoms, and I know I wouldn't have had the willpower without my upcoming wedding, but it IS do-able, and I intend to keep on with this lifestyle forever now. xx
I went to see my endocrinologist last week and when comparing my blood tests to those 3 years ago (when I was 3st heavier) my testosterone is normal, and my oestrogen levels are normal.

I was given meformin the first time round and it made me so ill I decided to do it naturally. so I brought a couple of pcos books, brought A LOT of supplements and and I'm now doing lighterlife and have lost 1st11lbs in 5 weeks!

As thelonghaul said, low carb is best. there is a good pcos diet book out there which is really good.
As a vegetarian I plan to do the vege low carb thing when I'm at my goal weight.

The endocrinologist also said that it will take around 9 months to a year for the hair to stop. and that the hair growing now is the result of the testosterone that was in my system and now that its normal my body has to catch up. He also congratulated me on educating and treating myself. synthetic drugs are not the best option.

I hope this helps and it is possible to get your hormones in balance!

I was given meformin the first time round and it made me so ill

Oh, Metformin really didn't agree with me! :sign0131: I went on the pill (Dianette) instead. I kind of wish I had from the start, but I was wary of the pill because Cilest made me crazy. :flamingmad: No craziness with Dianette, though I'm not sure it's making any difference to the PCOS!

The endocrinologist also said that it will take around 9 months to a year for the hair to stop.

Is that 9 months after you've lost your weight? I'm sick of my tache! :grumble:
Hi all, am just catching up with this thread. verity: can you tell me what supplements you tried?

I was taking the combined pill ovranette until 2004 but the gps has recieved new guidelines saying that they weren't allowed to prescribe to anyone with a bmi over 30 (even though I'd had a bmi over 30 when I first went on it at 18!).

I now take the progestogen-only (or 'mini' pill as it's aka) and it stops periods altogether although every woman is different.
I have not taken any synthetic drugs for any length of time (metformin for a week or 2) I havent been on the pill.
I take about 25 supplements a day and I will list most of them, but the most important thing is diet! I know you;ve heard it all before and so had I but I have now lost about 20kgs (40ish lbs, from my heaviest to now) and everything has improved.

I am doing lighter life at the moment, but have come off it sometimes and have been sticking to a l0w carb diet and am still losing between 3 and 8lbs a week!
I was insulin resistant, my body would basically not be able to convert carbs into energy, just straight into fat. so cutting that out is key.

I would suggest you buy the pcos for dummies book and the pcos diet book. Both of these have LOADS of info that has really helped me! Including food and supplements.

right everyday I take

agnus castus - which regulates hormones (AMAZING!)
dong quai
super EPA and DHA cod liver oil (which helped with my anxiety etc but is generally good for you)
multi vitamins and minerals
dandilion root
aloe vera juice
vitamin b complex
saw palmetto ( reduces testosterone!!!)
milk thistle
raspberry leaf tea

theres are probably more I've forgotten!

But... buy the books and go to the doctor before you take anything! it can be pricey to buy them all at the same time but most packs last a year!

but none of these will work without diet! God i sound like one of those irritating thin people!

drugs aren;t the answer! do it naturally!

Good luck!

v x
Oh, Metformin really didn't agree with me! :sign0131: I went on the pill (Dianette) instead. I kind of wish I had from the start, but I was wary of the pill because Cilest made me crazy. :flamingmad: No craziness with Dianette, though I'm not sure it's making any difference to the PCOS!

Is that 9 months after you've lost your weight? I'm sick of my tache! :grumble:

he said if i carry on losing weight and my testosterone doesn't rise again i will notice a difference within 9 months from now.

have you tried vanuqa cream, i had it a couple of years ago and didnt really use it properly but im using it again now and its made a massive difference!

Hi guys
I had pcos but unfortunately had to get a hysterectomy, I have been on hrt for 14 yrs but still have really bad problems with facial hair went to my gp 4 weeks ago as i have lost 3st 12lb and I am being sent for laser hair removal have tried everything and nothing worked for me xx
From what I understand, losing weight can help to sort out the hormone levels which is what causes facial hair in the first place. Then again, I think doctors tend to blame everything on weight - am I the only one who thinks this?! I know being overweight really doesn't do anyone any favours especially when theyve got a medical condition too but sometimes it's ridiculous. "Oh doctor I've broken my leg" - "Yes, it's because you're overweight" lol annoying!
he said if i carry on losing weight and my testosterone doesn't rise again i will notice a difference within 9 months from now.

have you tried vanuqa cream, i had it a couple of years ago and didnt really use it properly but im using it again now and its made a massive difference!


Thanks :) What's vanuqa cream?
sorry I spelt it wrong, it's vaniqa.
it's a cream for facial hair, you need to apply it twice a day, I do it 5 mins before i use my normal face cream.
it lessens the hair growth and i have really noticed a difference. when i used it a few years ago i didnt use it properly and when i stopped i felt like the hair was worse than ever. but now I can go 2 days without shaving when i used to have to do it twice a day!!!

ask your doctor!

Oh! Thanks Verity, I will :)
My consultant said this week that the hair wouldn't go away, it just wouldn't get any worse than it currently is.
im sure that if you can prove u have pcos (with a doctors certificate or whatever) you can get discounted laser hair removal, i think this is the only way to permanently get rid of it