Can some1 answer this please !!!

Can u have 2 bran and rye buns (from greggs) as a healthy extra b I've always been told u can just want to check thanks x
You can have 60g of any wholemeal bread, so I doubt they'd qualify! Best thing is to look in the healthy extras list as if its not wholemeal, and not on the list then it can't used x HTH x
Not sure who told you that they were a B hun but I would say almost certainly not as its only wholemeal and selected white breads that count. And 2? What size are they? You get two wholemeal mini subs as a HEB but they are teeny, really small. You would never get two standard sized rolls unfortunately :(

By the way can you keep questions about healthy extras to the healthy extras sub-forum as it makes it easier when people are searching for things and saves admin from having to move posts xx