Can we have green tea

yes green tea is fine, so is peppermint tea and all those leafy type teas, but fruit teas and anything with lemon is not allowed
Lol yeah green tea is pretty tasteless but it's amazing for your health! I got some bags once which were a mixture of green and peppermint tea, so best of both words :D Ah well done on getting through your first day, it felt like yesterday that I started, the time is flying by but keep with it as this diet is fantastic and i've lost much more than I oculd have ever imagined!
I have lost 40lbs in the last 6 weeks, which I think is almost 3 stone! (give or take a pound or two), which is amazing! So many clothes that used to gather in my wardrobe now fit me! My total goal is to lose around another 3-4 stone and then i'm done, but for 6 weeks it's not bad at all! You will notice the time fly by :)
Thats wonderful, I hope I can do it, the first day is nearly over and it has been tough especially cooking for the family..
Well done! :) yeah you will sail through it, they say the hardest period is the first week and once you get past that it is smooth sailing! I never really experienced that dreadful week though thank god so it's been pretty steady for me, you soon get into ketosis and you don't feel hungry at all! Just drink lots of water and keep smiling :) the time will fly by and that 3 stone will be gone before you know it!
Thanks there are so many inspirational stories on here. Just gotta get that last shake in and then bed for me don't want any temptations.