Can you eat the meals cold?


Silver Member
Hello! I've ordered 4 days worth of samples which I expect will arrive on Wednesday next week. Yay! Currently on Exante and I fancied a bit of variety so I'm trying some out before buying loads.

Anyhoo, I'm just wondering, can you make the meals up in the morning and put them in a lunchbox then eat them cold? I often used to do this with normal food- bit odd but I love cold spaghetti bol, chilli etc. I don't have an opportunity to heat food up at work so can only have cold food. I read on here about putting the chilli into lettuce leaves, thought it would be nice for lunch cold but don't know if that's allowed.
I think you'd be best asking S&S direct. Soup and shakes have to be eaten within 15 mins. Food might be the same
I think it will be within 10/15 minutes. The reason is that the water soluable vitamins may degrade after that time so you won't be getting all of the vitamins you need.
Have you got access to a kettle at work? What I would do is put the required amount of boiling water into a large mouthed food thermos, add the pack, stir, replace the lid for about 3 mins and then stir again, food should be ready. I used to cook pasta this way when we didn't have a microwave when I used to work. May have to practice at home 1st but it should work ;)
I will email S&S and let you know what they say :)

Bajoleth we have the facilities at work for me to cook it but we always eat on the move. I get to work early and have my breakfast there, so will be able to have a hot meal at breakfast. But at lunch the closest I could get would be taking a flask and mixing hot water with my sachet whilst out and about, which is a bit of a faff really, although it's good to hear that it works that way (will prob do this on cold days). It would be easier if it was all ready to go in a lunchbox :D
You could always have your bar at lunch time - that's what I tend to do as I'm often on the run.
From S&S, the answer is no, unfortunately the meals have to be eaten within 10 minutes. So weasey yes I'll have a bar for lunch, will probably have hot meals for breakfast or dinner :)

If only all businesses these days had customer service like S&S! :wow: Got a reply within about 5 minutes!
Are you on 3 packs or 4, if you are on 3 packs you could have your protein meal as a packed lunch, i.e chicken salad, Tuna salad, boiled egg cut up into a salad :)
Bajoleth I was going to do the 4 packs (on Exante at the mo and awaiting my S&S) as I know that if I have three packs I won't bother doing the protein meal. It may be different after my add a meal week which starts Wednesday. I was going to add my meal for lunch rather than dinner so it may be that I do indeed carry on with three packs and add a lunch, instead of going onto 4 packs.