It's difficult sometimes, when you switch from WW, to get out of the way of thinking of one plan, and get your head into the zone of the new one.
SW syns are totally different to WW points. The idea with SW is that you fill up on the free foods. You shouldn't be hungry - the bulk of your diet should be superfree and free stuff, then, suppliment that with your Healthy Extra A and B choices for calcium and fibre, which are not only good for you, but aid weight loss too.
Syns are higher because you should be full throughout the day from your free need less 'treats'. When you get into it, 15 a day is quite a lot!
Unfortunately, this isn't a diet where we can live off our syns/treats - that's what all got us to this place initially!!!
It will take a bit of time to get your head round it, but honestly, like others have said, this is such an easy way of eating that you can work around your life...there's no need to feel hungry. You will be eating healthily and will soon feel the benefits.
There's no need to feel deprived. Don't force yourself to go from a little bowl of cereal at brekkie right through til lunch without anything. You could be snacking on fruit!