Caramel/Toffee flavouring?


Full Member
Has anyone tried the Dukan Caramel flavouring? Although I'm on Stabilisation now I prefer to continue eating fat free total but have a craving for toffee yoghurt, I don't eat muller lights as I'm a veggie and they have gelatin in them. Is the Dukan one worth the price or are there any other options, I can't remember ever seeing any kind of toffee flavouring in the supermarket
I really like the Dukan caramel one, although I have tried the walden farm one and the da Vinci syrup from low carb megastore. Dukan one is v concentrated and you just need a few drops with sweetener in yoghurt or fromage frais, lasts for ages. The walden farm one is already sweetened - with sucralose/splenda and is a bit like those creamy type caramel sauces you put on ice cream (m&s do one). The da Vinci syrup is also pre-sweetened, and is more like a syrup for coffee. Not so keen on the pre sweetened ones as I prefer to add my own, don't like it too sweet .
I like the dukan flavourings in muffins caramel & coconut are favs but my fav at the mo is nougat, currently out of stock :(