Cruise PV Cauli


Gold Member
:confused: can someone please clarify whether cauliflower (fav veg) is a big NO. Its not on the list but in the DD recipe book there is a recipe and I notice that ppl have listed it in their daily food diary
thank you
Yes, you can have cauli on a PV day. I have it every Sunday with my roast.
Cauliflower Cheese, alas, is not! :cry: :rolleyes:
and cauli makes great mash (for a potato replacement in shepherd's pie, etc), as does celeriac... :D
I am going to make cottage pie tomorrow and mash cauli with BN Squash.
Any other veg allowed that's not listed?
Cauliflower is in the book I think, he classes it under cabbages!
In French, cabbage is "choux" and cauliflower is "choux fleur". So not all that surprising a cabbage really :D