CD to SS


On a mission for boobs!

I've been doing the Cambridge Diet since the 2nd of January, but I'm just not into this whole counselor thing so I'm debating switching to SS.

I ordered a weeks worth of stuff from the website today, so looking forward to that arriving at the beginning of the week. Sounds like you guys have a much wider choice of flavours and products going on over here!

Tell me, the bars, are they limited to one a day like on cambridge because of the sweeteners/carbs, or can you have one for every meal? I couldnt find much info on the website about it (probably looking in the wrong places) so just wanted a heads up.

I love the CD bars, but they do nasty things to my stomach! lol!

Anyway, hopefully I'll love the S&S stuff (as much as anyone can love vlcd products!) and be joining you guys as of next week :)
Only one bar a day, sadly. I could eat them for every meal!

Good luck, S&S has some lovely products and the meals are the best part.
Good luck , if you dont need a counsellor then this is perfect , I find that coming on minimins and catching up with my virtual friends , plus keeping a diary is better than any therapy , plua it serves as a great distraction from the fridge