celebrity inspiration....


Gold Member
Hi girls

on the back of the Clare Nasir pics on DM...

Does anyone have a particular celebrity body they aspire to?

Perhaps a picture you have on the fridge?

A health and fitness idol in the media maybe?

Just wondered...obviously some are dangerous to idolise (the tucked and the botoxed) but what are your views on people like Jillian Michaels, Nell McAndrew et al?

discuss :)


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and again OMFG!!!!

my friend sent me an email once with a piccie of cheryl cole wearing a dress with horizontal stripes saying ... If you continue to diet you too will be able to wear horizontal stripes!!!!!!
Now thats motivation!!!!
On the one hand, I admire that person for daring to where what the heck she wants while doing her exercise... but on the other, hmm... I guess, when I was VERY big, I thought I dressed "well" to hide it. (At least, aside from my odd swimming pool outing, I didn't subject the public to unsolicited displays of wobbly flesh...).

Most celebrities these days I find are too thin, so not good role or motivational models at all... and being thin is soooo ageing...

I agree Jo. Too thin
Does anyone watch biggest loser? what i love about noth us and aus series is that the main presenters are 'normal' shape. not mega bony thin but have a little meat on their bones and look fab.
I favour reading Zest or Shape magazine.. the fitness models are far more inspiring than anyone you see in heat magazine etc...
i only aspire to natural curvy women ,to is to thin and if some women are bigger and happy thats fine ..........

but after saying that i went to see my diabetic doctor after my son passed and i had put 2nad a half stone on ,when i walked in her first words where" my havent we gained a bit of weight" well i was shocked because she was no skinny minny herself and i soon put her back in her bag when i explained that my son had not long passed and food was the least of my worries !!

some doctor's are very insenitive !!
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i dont care wot she said but she did apologise and she felt guilty too ha ha ha !!
Jet how rubbish! It wouldnt be a good comment for anyone - except a bloke trying to bulk up.

I dont really aspire to any celeb body, most look too tall or too young to be realistic targets for me. Although seeing Aoife Mulholland in Legally Blonde is enough to get anyone exercising, woman is amazing.

i do look at celeb's but then they are all young girls with a lot of money and totally different life styles to us !!
AWW jet what a cowbag!!!
omg she has a fab body :D thats what im gonna look like ;)
I dunno she has them manly things that run from above your hipbone down in a diagonal direction :S - know they're muscles - but they scare me! :( Jillian Michaels has them too!
She sings whilst skipping, muscles upon muscles on her tum but still looks v girlie in street clothes. Sigh.
well if i look like this again with my clothes and magic knickers i will be happy !!


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thanks that was in 2006 so i know wot i can look like !! and i know wot to aim for lol !!!!!!!!!!!