Challenge 1 - Single Digit Body Fat


Full Member
Hey all,

I'm setting a challenge here, I still have five stones to lose to get to the healthy weight range (I guess 16-17% body fat) however, I'm aiming for single digit body fat by April 2013.

That might be tough but I'll do my best to get there. :)
Single figures... Jeez, nice to starter but one step st a time lol... :) nice to have goals mind :) I used a body fat thing the other day, currently at 23% body fat... Yuck :) but guessing it was a lot more before I lost the 4 stone lol
Single figures... Jeez, nice to starter but one step st a time lol... :) nice to have goals mind :) I used a body fat thing the other day, currently at 23% body fat... Yuck :) but guessing it was a lot more before I lost the 4 stone lol

Hi Bayboy,
Congratulations on your weight loss so far! :) Just would like to explain something to you which you may or may not already know. Body fat percentages is a percentage of body fat from your current weight. You may not have lowered your body fat% since you have lost 4 stones you have just lowered your weight and therefore as a percentage 23% body fat when you was 4 stone heavier than 23% body fat now you would have lost a damn lot of fat. Although its a bit late now lol but when you start on trying challenges it is a good idea to record your actual fat. To do this turn your weight into lbs, divide it by 100 and times it by your body fat percentage. Then every weigh in do a body composition and get your body fat percentage and work out the exact amount of fat you have. This way you will find out exactly how much fat you have lost. Sometimes people actually lose a lot of muscle which isn't a good thing.

In reply to Thomas23 post, again congratulations on your weight loss so far, I dont wnat to be the bearer of bad news but I would like to offer advice. To get to single digit body fat percentage will take a lot more than dieting. It will take a lot of exercise, a lot of dieting and a lot of stress. Even then you may never ever reach that goal. Some people just arent built to go that low as their body stores fat when your body thinks its in starvation mode (which it will be to get to single digits) and then it stores fat. There is a lot of science and proper ways of training to get that low. A lot of hard work and sacrifices but you will have an awesome 6 pack :)

I understand this is difficult, and it's not a diet goal, it's a new life goal. I don't have a hard deadline I'm cool as long as I'm progressing towards it.