Hi k dee if you back to the threads section you will find a whole thread on this subject. My c did a taster session at group last week as I had taken the recipe in and everyone loved it. However, on Wed she texted everyone (yes 116 of us) to say that she now believed the syns were actually 11 just for the tofu. She said its something to do with it changing syn values once it is blended! Piplatts on here rang the syns hotline to be told it should be OK because we only eat small quanties so not to worry. I have been totally confused with this so I rang them as well to be told, once you blend and change it into a pud it becomes high syns as you can over consume. So the confusion continues! Sorry to be the bringer of bad news. However, my c said its 11 syns for the tofu, 2 syns for the cocoa so by my reconing you could still have a portion for 3.5 syns. We will have to get to the bottom of this I think. Perhaps if you ring the syns hotline they may tell you what they think again. As I say if you do a search on here there is a whole thread on it. I will still have it occasionally because as you say it is totally gorgeous. Dont like the quark alternative, as I dont like the sour taste coming through. Please let me know what you think