i cannot stop eating chocolate!!! not full bars or anything, just picking at it. doesnt help that i work for a company that supplies supernmarkets with chocolate laden treats, so their are ALWAYS cakes, biscuits, choco treats everywhere i turn. i actually tell my colleagues not to let me have anything, but i always do. zero willpower
it never used to bother me before SW, but because i know i shouldnt i feel like an addict. it hasnt affected my looses so far, as i have lost every week despite having a small bit of chocolate every day but i really need to get a grip.
sorry - rant over
it never used to bother me before SW, but because i know i shouldnt i feel like an addict. it hasnt affected my looses so far, as i have lost every week despite having a small bit of chocolate every day but i really need to get a grip.
sorry - rant over