Never gets tired of SW!
I was chatting to one of my male colleagues in work yesterday and we got talking about what shape of woman men find attractive! We acknowledged that everyone has different tastes, horses for courses and all that, but he was of the opinion that most men would find a curvy woman more desirable than a stick thin one!! I hadn't heard of this lady, but Christina Hendricks is an American actress who stars in 'Mad Men' which I'm not at all familiar with, but apparently she has been voted the sexiest woman in the world by Esquire magazine, and is fast becoming hot property in showbiz! I did some reading on her last night and felt very reassured about my own body, which is of similar proportions! She seems genuinely happy with her body and the male population are obviously in full agreement! I realise that not everyone has an hourglass figure or big bosoms, but we are constantly brainwashed by magazines, adverts and clothes shops into thinking that 'skinny' is the way to go! Although I still have some weight to lose to be at what 'I' consider to be my ideal weight, it is just so lovely to read about a celebrity who is conveying to the world that curvy= womanly=beautiful!! I just feel so much better after discovering this woman and there's a glimmer of hope that maybe one day there will be a turnaround in the ideals of society and that we'll return to aspiring to the modern day Marilyn Monroes (1930s) and Sophia Lorens (1960s)!!X
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