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Hi, just started wk 4 of induction, and I've not lost any weight for two wk nor have I gained any weight so I'm absolutley gutted, I'm not doing anything wrong, anyway I just wanted to know is there a limit on how much coffee I can drink as I've just started having a few a day, I am using unsweetened soya milk and canderal tablets, any advice please, thanks x

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in suppose we are all different, but i don't limit my coffee intake.

pre atkins i used skimmed milk, changed to soya, now just having it black, but i just drink it whenever i please......which is rather often, probs too much tbh!
I drink 2-3 cups of black coffee a day mainly in the mornings and I'm losing x
Ok, thanks, I've put on 1lb I've noticed today, and wondering why, its really annoyed me, but it can't be the coffee because like I said I said I use wholebean soya and its only 0.2g per 100ml and I use canderal tabs which are hardly anything too, I'll keep going and see what the scales say next wk haha. Thanks again xx

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you know its funny you should say about coffee , Im a hairdresser and Iv had a lotta ppl in my chair who have been doing Atkins diet and it always seems to be the ones who drink coffee that dont have such good losses (todays useless fact lol)
It's strange that because there's no carbs in it haha, do you think I'm better of.drinking tea if I want **** drink xx

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Boo hoo does that mean I have to give up my coffee fix....will be like a walking zombie lol x
Haha I don't know why there's little stars in my post like I was swearing its supposed to say hot drink ha xx

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I did wonder Emma lol x
I didn't know that, I'm gonna stop the coffee now as I've not lost weight for a couple of week, do you know if drinking tea is ok x

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Ok, thanks, and I've still not got any vitamins, I will get some this wk, I've stopped the coffee now, just having two cups of tea a day and I'll see how that goes, thanks again, great advice x

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Also sweeteners can be the culprit ... As has been said, different bodies are affected in different ways with different triggers... Good luck with it! Xx
Ok, there's so much to take in haha, I'm always confused, thanks for advice xx

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I found that my weightloss is proportional to the amount of sweetners i've been eating/drinking and my body seems really sensitive to them, and to anything sweet/sweet flavoured infact. More artificial sweetners = slower weightloss (not no weightloss, just slower). I found that some sweetners are worse than others for me, Stevia is the best one i have had so far and i seem to tolerate it much better than others but it is quite pricey. Another thing i noticed is that sweetners increased my appetite a little, and i consequently ate more food, which could also be a problem.
Hi losingit, I've been trying the sweeteners for a week now and I don't they are for me either, I'm just not losing any weight at all ha, so I'm going to stop them and see what happens, thanks xx

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Hi Emma, why not post your daily menus just so people can check you're totally on track? Sometimes little things can sneak in or you can just miss something altogether that causes a stall.
Day one of no sweeteners and decaf coffee ....eekkk x