Coming Back and Feeling GREAT!


Silver Member
Hi guys - not sure you remember me... I used to be on here quite a bit in April/May when I did Dukan to start. I had great success with it and went off early (before goal) because I didn't want to cheat.

Well, I'm SOOOO happy to report that I have maintained perfectly on Conso (and even lost at the start) and that's with a month of holidays to Portugal, Vegas, and Texas... all with non-perfection. The one thing I did continue religiously (and thus my success, I believe) is that I've continued to exercise and work out.

The reason I'm popping back is that I've decided to start Cruise again and attempt to lose a bit more. I'll admit that I was totally digging the attention and whilst I'm feeling great health-wise, I think this next turn at losing weight will be to look a bit better :)! Feeling guilty for that, but I am turning 40 in December and figure if I'm going to do it, I'm going for it (within reason!) My goal remains to only lose what I can maintain and since I'm confident at this number I'm going to try for a bit more. So, we'll start with one more stone and a possible high number of 20lbs... can't imagine my body maintaining more than that and my "true weight" was 165lbs but I reckon that was because my lifetime high was so high... it didn't take into account that its been off of me for 11 years. So, we'll see.

I look forward to catching up again with all the names I recognise and meeting new. My start date will next Monday or Tuesday (have something on this weekend so need to decide if I can prepare enough by Monday).

Talk to you all soon!

PS - any thoughts on whether I should do 3 days of Attack to start again? I really have been bad-Conso these last 2-3 weeks. THANKS!
Welcome back!

Since starting conso I've been looking at those BMI figures, and wondering if I want to go just that little further, and slip below 25 - haven't chosen to yet, so I'll be following your progress with interest.

Personally - I doubt you'll need a full-on attack to get going - if you've been "ok" conso wise, just a few couple of days pp rules should be enough
Hi Jess - **WAVES**

nice to see you back and great achievement! Good luck with cruising for a little bit more.
Hi Jess, welcome back. Lovely to see you've done so well on conso! Good luck with cruise mark II!
Hello Jess... couple of PPs should set you back on the road to ketosis :)

Lovely to have you back :D

Thanks ladies for the warm welcome back and thanks for the tip Jo... I think I'll do just that. I was always pretty light on Tolerated items anyway so other than the oatbran, don't think it will be much different (PP vs Attack).

I'm getting excited! I'm actually down a bit again (just off my holidays so I think my body is thanking me for the lack of gin & tonics!!) Pretty sure Monday will be the start as I've got Sunday afternoon to do all my prep work and cooking (must be prepared, eh??!)

Had a huge milestone for me this morning as well... as I was getting dressed I realised that I have no back fat/rolls! I've always been self-conscious of my back and for the last 20 years desired a muscular back (not there yet for sure) but it was nice to see a flat back. Thank you Mandy Iber exercises!!! :D
It's so good to see you, Jess - of course we remember you!

Sounds as though Conso is agreeing with you very well indeed, and I'm heartened to hear that you've even managed to keep the weight off despite the holidays (that's my major worry at the moment). I agree with you that exercise can be a huge help.

Good luck with trying to lose a bit more!
Hope everything goes well - do drop in to chat with us, even if you don't restart straight away!