Coming back!!!!


Hi I'm coming back to S&S After holiday next weekend. SW has been naff for me. Taking my little girl away first so restarting not next week but the week after. Hope u are all ok. Just thought id pop on and say hi and looking forward to restart tbh. Lost a few pounds with SW but nothing to write home about. My mate gave up on me and let me let on first week I joined SW!!! So determined to get past Day 2 this time. My worst times are evenings. Stuck to SW 100% but but put on this and not the TOTM either. Fed up with it so thought thats it I'm restarting S&S. Erin is 3 now and growing do fast. Still living with my mum and things are still working out well. Gonna have to place another order today as I gave my packs to my sister. Anyway hope you are all ok and good luck to all newbies. Bit early to post I know but I've missed you all. Take care and speak soonies :) :) :) :)
Welcome back hunny Xx you will do ace x
RebekahR said:
Welcome back hunny Xx you will do ace x

Elo my babes missed you all. You know what I'm like hunny. Will I? We shall see. Lol. How are you getting on Rebekah? Hope ur ok keeping well hunny. Yeh I'm so determined putting in another order today. Erin is 3 now. Little madamn!!!
So itching to restart over the weekend but what's the point if going on holiday for few days. Got a wedding to go to next year so I have an incentive this time. Want be slimnish by Xmas too. Yep defo in right frame of mind this time. SW is a good diet but far too slow. I've lost a stone so hope to maintain may as well update my weightloss after break away. Going to north Devon. Want to start Saturday ASAP tbh. Can't wait to start Slim & save. :)
Sorry made an error in dates lol I start not next week but the week after Rebekah. I won't post until Day 7 this time round lol. Can you give me some advice Rebekah? How do you deal with evening hunger?
sherrie82 said:
Sorry made an error in dates lol I start not next week but the week after Rebekah. I won't post until Day 7 this time round lol. Can you give me some advice Rebekah? How do you deal with evening hunger?

Sorry thought I was on diary section lol. My little madamn is me up!!! Jeez. She so takes after my ex :/ Wants her own way all the time. Gets on my nerves tbh. Any advice with evening hunger welcome. How do you any of you deal with evening hunger? Any advice welcome. When I start week after next.
My little girl is playing me up today well I say today. She plays me up most days. Doesn't do it with my mum though. She so takes after my ex. Even looks like him. She wants her own way all the time, the little madamn. I restart the week after next. My worst times on any diet are the evenings now. Used to be all day I was hungry. Can anyone give me any advice on dealing with evening hunger? Thanks in advance.
Does anyone suffer with evening hunger? If so how do any any of you deal with before getting into ketosis?