C'mon u can get back on, one slip up in 2 weeks isnt gonna put that 11lb back on, stay focused, I'm sure u have a goal to reach by the end of AUgustxx Mine is 10lbs, wanna take up the challenge and try and beat me?? Xx
Determinator said something in another post that I thought was really cool so I'm unashamadely quoting her now - "you only fail when you fail to dust yourself off and carry on" (or words to that effect). One slip in 2 weeks is nothing if you get right back on the wagon - you can do it lady!!
Hiya, I know what you mean for some reason I can practically hear a loaf of bread and a block of cheese speaking to me!!! and I have managed 2 weeks also. I have had 2 meals (high protein low carb) fro the last 2 Saturdays. The reason I've been doing this is that it's something to look forward too. As I have a lot to loose I don't think I could do it any other way. It's weird as up till now the above mentioned items have not bothered me at all, maybe it's a 2 week thing!!!! Hope your back on track and try and not listen to the little voice sitting on your shoulder telling you to be naughty, I'll try not to listen to them either ! xXx