Complete beginner

Hi everyone :) I'm a complete beginner looking to start sw at home. I lost 3.5 stone with weightwatchers in 2013/14 but had twins 10 weeks ago and am now only a few pounds under my preweightloss weight. I don't have time to be counting etc so thought I'd try sw this time as it seems to be a lot more flexible.

Please can anyone tell me what books etc I need to be able to follow the plan without signing up?
You could probably pick up the basics on here tbh. Someone will come along and tell you to join a meeting just to get the literature but I personally think that's a bit iffy. I know so many people get the fundamentals straight and then use this site for syns etc. Or books used to sell on eBay?

As a rule SW is about home cooking and getting a balance between free food, speed foods, healthy extras and syns.

Free food are all the foods you can eat freely. Such as lean meats and fish, starch veg, potatoes and so on.

Speed foods are nearly all veg and most fruits. 1/3 of your plate should be filled with these.

Healthy extras are there to make sure you get enough fibre and calcium. List A is calcium, so milk for eg, list B is fibre so whole meal bread etc. You have one of each a day from the lists

Syns are everything that's not free or speed or a healthy extra and you are supposed to have between 5 and 15 each day.

I hope this helps a bit!!