Completely Fell OFF The Weight Watchers Wagon and Gained 5 Pounds- PLEASE HELP!!

Hello, I had been doing so well on weight watchers. I had weighed about 151.8 on 6/14/2013, now today 7/4/2013, I weighed myself this morning and I am 156.8!!!

These past few weeks have just been not good for me. It all started with a craving for peanut butter, so I ate a bunch of peaut butter and knowing that I wasn't going to have a good weigh in, I didn't go to weight watchers and I missed the weigh in and ever since then it's been downhill. I keep telling myself I'm going to get back on track, I'm going to get back on track and I'm NOT...

Last night, I was HORRIBLE. i tracked points during the day, but then my mother went and got chinese good and I went COMPLETELY OFF. Ate two plates of chinese food, 3 oreos, 2 pop tarts and it was just disgusting when it was over, I FELT DISGUSTING...

it's like the more weight I gain, the more I want to binge eat because i'm so angry at myself for gainging weight and I know thats counterintuitie, but I'm just frustrated with myself.

I feel like I can never keep the weight off...on top of that, I'm having money problems, I'm tired of being broke and having to depend on my mother for money ( I'm 24 years old) I keep trying to call this place about a job, but that's another topic.

To put it bluntly, I need to get back on track seriously, but I feel like my mother isn't helping beause everytime I tell her that I want to finish weight watchers and get back on track, she asks me if I want to go out to eat or she brings Chinese food home or asks me "can you have this..." and it'll be some fattening food...I'm starting to think she WANTS me to over eat or something.

I know I can't blame her because she didn't shove the food down my throat, make me chew it and swallow it, but she isn't helping when she asks me these things or brings food home. I know I need to take responsibility and say no, but I am at the end of my rope.

There is no way I'm going to weigh in this week because it's humiliating.

Someone please help me to get back on track so that next week, next Friday I cna weigh in and have lost at least SOME of the five pounds I've gained.


I went and forced myself to weigh in last Thursday and I was up about 153.4 and I told myself, i'll get myself together and go weigh in next week and I'll have lost, but no...

It was 4th of july coming up and I knew that I would be missing my meeting because of the 4th of July, so I just went and binge ate because I told myself that
Hi chocolateinmoderation.

Sorry to hear about your struggles.
I'm doing WW too.

I know how hard it is when people around you are trying to get you to eat... saying things like "just one won't hurt".
And I have an issue with portion control - which is why I ended up being almost 13 stone.

The way I've done it is by telling everyone I'm doing it.
Eating at my grandma's house was my biggest issue - as she'd cook food, put it on the table and you help yourself.
Because of my portion control issues, and hating seeing food go to waste, I'd eat until I was past full.

But now she knows I'm on WW now and is very supportive, and buys me the ready meals (and any other WW products she sees and knows I would like).

Something I've found really helpful is having goals to work towards.
As you may see in my signature, I have quite a few.

Each are only a couple of pounds away from each other, so I know it won't be long before I hit another goal.
Is it possible for you to do that?!
Set some goals to work towards - to break it down into smaller chunks?

Possible suggestions could be every half a stone, getting your 5% and 10% goals, reaching the next stone bracket, hitting a certain BMI number.

May I ask how tall you are? As 156 is only 11 stone 2, and that's not huge.
Also, what is your final goal weight?
I don't mind helping you work out numbers for goals if you wish.

Another tip is maybe to treat yourself after hitting goals - not necessarily food treats, but a nice new top, or a relaxing bath.

You could treat yourself to the freebies for smaller goals hit, and put a pound away every now and then (I understand you're broke), for a treat for bigger goals, like 5, 10% and goal.

Make sure you track EVERYTHING!
And don't forget to bulk up meals with 0pp foods such as fruit & veg.
Also, if you're feeling a little hungry, have a drink of water or no added sugar squash before going for food - very often thirst is mistaken for hunger.

Lastly - if you can't resist the "fattening" foods your mum brings home, try and portion it.
Yes, I have issues with myself, so easier said than done, but chinese - split it in half - save some for the next night or throw it away.
Or say to your mum, yes, you'd like chinese, but choose low pointed items, or ask if your mum would like to share a dish with you.

You can eat any food on WW - I have cake, biscuits & ice cream most days and have still lost 2stone in 3 months, so it is possible to eat treats and lose weight.

Are you able to exercise?!
As there's plenty of free exercise options - at the moment the weather is lovely for walking.
If you are able to get the money together and haven't got one already, I would highly advise buying the ww pedometer for £16.95.
It's a high expense, but I find mine invaluable.
I have it on me all the time and use it to earn extra activity points, meaning I could spend them on more food if I wished to.

Also, Leslie Sansone is a popular fitness instructor and her walking videos are available on youtube.
I highly recommend her.

I also weigh in on a thursday, so would enjoy having someone else to weigh in with.
Please go back and get weighed - you'll only creep up and up and up if you don't know where you are now (weighing at home doesn't count as all scales are different and show different weights), and you'll be able to put a line under it all and start from scratch.

I really hope you get back on track.
Good luck.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.