Confirmed diet failure.

I turned 56 yesterday and worked out I have been fat for 35 years although I have tried every diet, trick,club,herbal remedies,witch doctors,jaw wiring I even tried a reducing cream which only made my fingers thin.Since returning to the UK I have got even bigger up to 172 kilos/27 stone 8lbs just underweight for a junior sumo wrestler which is'nt what you would want to be for wannabee veteran footballer.If I used a hight to weight ratio i wiuld need to be 4.4mtrs/14foot 5 inches which would be great for a basketballer. I joined slimming world (3rd time 01/07/) and am determined that my next 35 years will be as a non weight challenged person.This site is so inspirational yet I would rather yo-yo my way through which gives more self hate and anguish than the real excitement of dropping pounds/kilos on the scale.They say that all fat people are happy I'm not that's for sure.
Hi there handsome ;) .....first off, Happy Birthday for yesterday! Secondly, good for you for not giving in in your quest to shed the lbs and thirdly, don't use the word 'failure'...that word should be excluded from the dictionary! Nobody is a failure at anything....sometimes we start projects and for some reason do not finish them as that may not have been the right time to begin for whatever reason.

You have a fresh start with SW by the sounds of things and so one day at a time is the only way to go. Forget the past, just focus on today and plan for tomorrow.

I too have struggled with my weight over the yrs and know it is not easy when a slim body is wanting to shine through all the blubber I have.

I look fwd to seeing how you progress as this is the place to come for advice esp on those low days and yes, we all have them. So many understanding people on here who have walked in your shoes so don't be afraid in just telling it how it is.

Tons of good luck to you...hugs, Saska x :bighug: