handsomely plump
I turned 56 yesterday and worked out I have been fat for 35 years although I have tried every diet, trick,club,herbal remedies,witch doctors,jaw wiring I even tried a reducing cream which only made my fingers thin.Since returning to the UK I have got even bigger up to 172 kilos/27 stone 8lbs just underweight for a junior sumo wrestler which is'nt what you would want to be for wannabee veteran footballer.If I used a hight to weight ratio i wiuld need to be 4.4mtrs/14foot 5 inches which would be great for a basketballer. I joined slimming world (3rd time 01/07/) and am determined that my next 35 years will be as a non weight challenged person.This site is so inspirational yet I would rather yo-yo my way through which gives more self hate and anguish than the real excitement of dropping pounds/kilos on the scale.They say that all fat people are happy I'm not that's for sure.