

Shy and retiring newbie arriving! Lol.

Hi everyone,

I've been reading the forum for a few weeks now and it's given me the encouragement to start on my Exante journey. I'm just finishing day 14 so it's weigh in tomorrow morning and I'll be starting my diary on here then.

Looking forward to getting to know everyone.
Thanks Kayleigh...I'm absolutely loving it. I'm on shakes only and I'm finding every one of them delicious now, though they seemed a bit to rich and creamy when I had the first couple.
Im a bit of a fraud im not starting my diet till tomorro, Im just going to go with calories and ww points joined in together but im not going to the meetings not at moment anyway! Got 5stone to lose if not more! going to have a weigh in tomorro for a definate weigh n then begin, dont think I could give up food completely lol ! xx