So, I'm hoping recording my food and drink intake here will help, as others can point out where I'm going wrong?? My biggest task is to actually think of food on a regular basis. For far too long now I haven't been bothered about regular meals at all. Shamefully, most of my weight gain is through wineI never had breakfast, rarely bothered with lunch and would have whateer the family had for dinner. I am a reasonable cook and make sure my husband and son (17) and dd(15) eat healthily, just neglect to do the same for myself. Evenings saw my calorie intake soar, with a bottle or two of red wine every night. Recently my daughter has had a regular boyfriend, so i have naturally stopped drinking if i need to pick her up, deliver to train station or collect from dance classes. This Christmas, for the first time ever i didn't drink, as i offerd to do the driving. As i didnt find it too traumatic not to drink, i realised i could actually do something, finally, about my excess 4 stones. So, 11 days in i am currently 6lbs lighter!
Breakfast today was a banana, kiwifruit and an activia 0% yogurt.........
Breakfast today was a banana, kiwifruit and an activia 0% yogurt.........