Could going to the gym be making you fatter?


Big Boy
Hmmm, I'm a dedicated couch potato now, but I used to do loads of sports and stuff.

Hmm. So it's just saying that you need a balance between cardio exercise and weights exercise. Weights build up muscle mass which then increases your metabolic rate..
Saying that going to the gym leads to making you fatter is just a crap way of putting it! Talk about over sensationalising.
Absolutely! Keep telling people this but they never believe me :confused: :D

And the lower your calories, the more important it is to do weights rather than cardio.
Hmm. So it's just saying that you need a balance between cardio exercise and weights exercise.

yes, and a certain amount will depend on how many calories a day you are eating. There appears to be a threshold where cardio can starts burning muscle rather than fat. I wrote something about it the other day, but someone disagreed, and I wasn't up for an argument, so deleted it.

It was interesting though.
I wrote something about it the other day, but someone disagreed, and I wasn't up for an argument, so deleted it.

I'd like to see that KD!
Ta muchly.