Curry pack


Silver Member
Am looking forward to having my first curry pack tomorrow :)
So far I have all the S&S packs/ shakes/ bars as I love every single flavours.
Any suggestions on how to prepare the curry pack please.
Many thanks.

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I loved it just tried it yesterday

If you have spinach or cauliflower would be lovely with it, and add chilli flakes yum

I microwaved mine, 30 stir, 30 stir, added water and a final 30 seconds
RebekahR said:
I loved it just tried it yesterday

If you have spinach or cauliflower would be lovely with it, and add chilli flakes yum

I microwaved mine, 30 stir, 30 stir, added water and a final 30 seconds

Thanks very much. Will have mine with cauli.

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