Cutting out chocolate.


Gold Member
I know that treats shouldn't be banned on a diet or lifestyle change, and that the everything in moderation rule is key... but I think for me personally, I really need to cut chocolate out COMPLETELY.

Chocolate has always been my biggest weakness, and the main reason for my crazy weight gain the past year. It seems to be that once I get the taste for it then I just can't stop and when I try to stop I get so snappy & *****y!

I did try limiting myself to dark chocolate, and have a few chunks a day to give me my chocolate kick but stay within my calorie allowance... and that didn't work either, I got the taste and for the last week I've sabotaged my diet with ridiculous amounts of chocolate!

So I'm cutting it out, and I know the first little while will be difficult but once the taste is gone I find the craving and want for it goes too. The first week back on CC I ate zero chocolate and after a few days didn't even want it anymore, felt better & looked better and had clear skin! (at the moment I'm COVERED in spots!)

So yeah, just needed to get that off my chest.. And wondering if anyone else has cut chocolate out or anything else?
Yes, I cut it out completely. This is what I was sayinh on your thread about a splurge day - it's a good idea, but maybe not in the early months of weight loss, because you have yo be really strong to limit it to a day. Likewise with chocolate, I felt it was vital to cut it out completely for a while, to break that cycle, and I now allow it every now and then as a treat. I do still eat things with a bit of chocolate in or on it, like cereal bars etc. xx
TracyGWill said:
Yes, I cut it out completely. This is what I was sayinh on your thread about a splurge day - it's a good idea, but maybe not in the early months of weight loss, because you have yo be really strong to limit it to a day. Likewise with chocolate, I felt it was vital to cut it out completely for a while, to break that cycle, and I now allow it every now and then as a treat. I do still eat things with a bit of chocolate in or on it, like cereal bars etc. xx

That's what I'll do, I'll still have cereal bars with a tiny amount of chocolate in or an options hot chocolate sachet in the evenings as a treat.. but actual chocolate bars & cake and the like I need to cut out cause it's impossible for me to have in moderation. With me & chocolate it's all or nothing.. so it'll have to be nothing! xx
I know exactly what you mean, lol. I do sometimes have those Shape Delight Chocolate desserts, usually at the weekend - they're nice and chocolatey at 109 calories, and I make it last! I used to think I was a hopeless chocaholic, but haven't actually found it hard to cut out. xx
I cut out crisps completely as I'm a complete salt-a-holic and they were my binge food.
I've had one uncontrolled unplanned binge in the last eight weeks and that was crisps. I bought a six pack if WW low fat/cal crisps thinking i could have one as a treat. I ate them all within about 90mins if the first packet.

Chocolate i only ever craved when my blood suger was low and then i'd binge. Or I'd eat it because it was in the fridge. I still allow myself chocolate and despite having about fifty bars in my fridge i rarely want it now.
At the start of changing my ways, I DID really try and cut it out completely. After a few days I would sort of forget about it I guess; never craved it or anything. I was more prone to binging back then so would always end up eating it again lol :confused:

Recently, all has been ok, and to be honest I dont even think about it anymore :eek: never crave it/hover in the choccy aisle in supermarkets/dream of it/etc. I DO eat it occasionally but it seems to be if I get offered it or summat; I dont buy it in or go out of my way to get some.

Saying that, I acquired some Green & Blacks 85% dark choccy today :eek: had 1 row of the tiny squares so far but thats it. Not currently thinking of it/looking at it/wanting anymore.

I'm not entirely sure what the point am trying to make with this post is actually! xD If you can deal with moderation, go for it. If you cant, then cut it completely - at least till you feel you can handle it better/you think you have made enough progress :) good luck!
For me it was crisps & I cut them out completely for 6 months but now have a few bags a week & I'm in control of it but I always go for low fat like baked ones or occasionally I'll have Quavers but I don't have the taste for them like I did
My GF and I are currently attempting a 4 week paleo diet thing, and whatever you might think of the approach (I know I've not been convinced by the concept at all in the past), I can say from experience that cutting out sugar/sugar enhanced/sugar replacement treats goes a long way in terms of what you crave - but we have our daily piece of 70%+ dark chocolate (around 12g a piece).
The actual craving for sweet things has subsided within days, the occasional glass of diet coke tastes like sugar overload now - an occasional piece of ripe fruit is just enough now to satisfy the odd craving.

Oddly I'd "recommend" to completely opposite approaches: Either try to cut out anything too sweet for a couple of days, and see what that does for your appetite for chocolate. Or do the opposite and go looking for a low cal alternative sweet treat that does the trick.