:D :D :D


1lb more to lose and i've lost 2 stone and its only taken me nearly 3 weeks :D :D yay goo me i feel so proud of myself i had to share xx
Woo woo! I'm hoping for the same kind of results how did you do it?
Thats fantastic. How have you done that?
I want to get rid of the last 2 and a bit stone as soon as possible. Getting way way bored now. Any tips would be wonderful.....please? lol

Well done you. :cool:
well im not sure lol! i've cut out bread im not drinking pepsi, im trying to drink as much water as possible, im still allowing myself treats, but i suppose a normal day for me would go

i usaly get up around 11 as i have a baby under 6 months

Breakfast: shake
No mid snack
Lunch: tortillia with salad not butter or anythin in it
ill have a mid afternoon snack
and then a normal dinner

but i've herd it works faster on heavier people i dont know really..

im quite shocked as some people are losing 2lbs a week, and it seems to be like 1 or 2lbs a day for me i dont know...

im not excersing really, maybe im just lucky i dont know??

That's great LadyX!

I've heard that when you have alot of weight to loose, it's common to loose alot in the first two weeks as a good portion of it is water weight, etc... the not drinking pepsi also has alot to do with it as you've cut out ALOT of sugar... but then you are supposed to level out.

If you do level out, don't get discouraged! Slow and steady wins the race.. and most doctors and diets only approve 1 to 2 lbs of weight loss a week. *sigh* :8855:

Is there a reason why you didn't drink pepsi? Like diet pepsi?
for ages ive been atticted to pepsi max, myself and my partner wud go thru 3 big bottles in 2 days but hes a lucky sod and cant put on weight he only weighs like 9 stone lmao hes moanin cause hes gone up to 10stone but hes nearly 6ft..

anyway as ive been drinking pepsi max, normal pepsi or diet pepsi tastes rank to me so ive just cut it out, and since i have ive found my bum isint as gassey either lol!!

id be happy eating bread all day id have loads of slices in a day.

i weigh myself in the morning after ive been to the toilet and naked i hop on my scales there always in the same place..

but what i have noticed is this morning when i weighed myself i weighed the same as yesterday i dont know if it was the curry id had the night before or if things are setterling down for me

but i've been on my period for the last week so maybe my bodys retaining loads of water

i had dieting ive only stuck cause i could see it working lol!
Well done thats fantastic keep up the good work, im sure it will slow as its unlikely to stay off if you lose it that fast and also its very unhealthy to lose it so fast, slower the better really! but what a great incentive to keep going xx
It sounds like you are doing all the right things and the others are right, you probably wont continue to loose that amount every week but it's great that you can see something straight away.
The hard parts are when you don't see antyhing on the scales. Thats when you have to remember your body is doing more important stuff than loosiing weight, like building up some lean muscle or your hormones levels will be changing.
Good Luck.:D
well i did it i lost the 2 stone wooo lol now for the rest of it.. im not expecting it to stay like this for ever i know its got to stop sometime lol
well i did it i lost the 2 stone wooo lol now for the rest of it.. im not expecting it to stay like this for ever i know its got to stop sometime lol

who cares ladyx, take it for what it is, you have lost a fantastic amount, be proud of it :D
aww thanks chick :) x
I'm really excited for you! I think you should celebrate and get yourself some new clothes! Well done!!
Wow, well done you. Doesn't it feel good to know that 2stone is gone forever??

Did you know 5lb of fat is about the same size as a loaf of bread? So far you have lost just over five and a half loaves!! Thats a lot. :cool: