Going fantastic so far thanks for asking, not long finished my strawberry shake and really enjoyed it going to have half my bar this afternoon, soup for supper and half my bar tonight. The challenge will be making hubby and the kids supper but I will have my soup first so won't feel hungry.
Hi Bluefox2. Day two will probably be a little bit harder than day one. I am on day five of a restart right now and I am in ketosis - it is easy now and I feel great. It is WORTH IT to stick with the plan today. You'll feel great when you wake up tomorrow morning having achieved your goal and you'll be a significant step towards ketosis - or maybe even in ketosis. A lot of people go into ketosis on day three. Buy a ready meal for the kids and husband. They can have one bad meal to allow you some head space.
Thanks peeps, day 2 complete and managed to feed everyone else without temptation, had a really sore head today tho and feeling tired but tomorrow is a new day and i'm looking forward to it.