Danica's journey


New Member

My name is Danica and I am 24 years old from Australia. I have battled with my weight for a long time and tried multiple diets.

I started Cambridge a couple weeks ago and I have had my ups and downs.

My starting weight was 80.7 kilos
I didnt eat or cheat for 12 days and only had 3 shakes a day or 2 shakes + 1 bar

I did find it very challenging and I had severe constipation where I actually got scared.

I ended up getting quite sick and had diarrhea and began eating (this was last week). I have only lost 200 grams in 9 days (better than putting on I guess).

At the moment I am doing 1-2 shakes a day plus 1 meal. I am trying to go back onto the 3 shakes a day but the thought of not being able to eat again is making it so hard!!!

I now weigh 75.1 kilos so I have lost 5.6 kilos which is really great!!!

im scared that your metobolism gets so low when your on the shakes that once i start eating again after I reach my goal weight its just going to stay that slow and ill put on weight even if i dont eat much...

arghh im so lost