Dates - on induction


No, not those types of dates! The fruity ones!

Hi, all

when breaking the fast in Ramadhan it is customary to break it with a date. I have not been having any other fruit but I wonder if this is bad during induction. Would it be better to stay away from them during induction?

I've had a look online and the do seem to be quite high in carb content :confused: I think the rest of my carb allowance is kept lower than 20g a day anyway...any thoughts?

I don't even know whether I've hit ketosis yet. I ordered some Ketostix at Tesco Pharmacy but they messed up and ordered the wrong thing, even though the woman at the till said " have you come to pick up your ketostix?" :mad:

All thoughts appreciated
i very much doubt one date (if you can limit it to one due to religion) is going to upset your induction.

have that one date and keep going with your meals....

and cancel the ketostix...they dont tell you what you want to know, stick to induction and you will lose weight! x
Hi Missy,

thanks for the advice. I normally only have one small one. Sometimes just a half a date. WI is on Tuesday so fingers crossed. I had an urge to get on the scales in town today but resisted. I think serial weighing would be my downfall!

I'll cancel the ketostix- a fiver saved! :p

if you look all over the forum its only even newbies tha use the ketostix, then they become paranoid becuase its not whoeing what they want i to show,

clean and green = success x
I think considering the special circumstance EB, I'd eat the date.