Day 1....


well its day one on my exante journey and i have one hell of a way to go. Just had a choc mint shake for breakfast and really enjoyed it. Going to need to keep motivated to get through this first week as i know its the hardest part! I know it will all be worth it in the end though! Just need some people to keep me in the zone when i'm feeling like i'll die of hunger! lol.
Lots of water, head ache = drink water, hungry = drink water, cravings = drink water and keep reminding yourself if you stick to this you could lose 7 - 14 lbs (a whole stone is possible on this diet in the first week for the select few)

It is a hard diet, Im not going to lie, Im back on it for the second time after letting myself regain everything I had lost, the first time I went from 16 stone to 9 stone in under 7 months, 7 months to beat a battle I had been fighting and losing since I was a teenager, all of a sudden I was slim... if I didn't see people for a few months they couldn't believe it was me, it was an amazing feeling and Im going to do it again, I will be 10 stone for summer, personally I think 9 stone was a mistake for me so hopefully with a slightly higher goal and the horrible memory of how much I gained in such a short space of time, I will be able to maintain it this time, no more excuses.

My tip is don't expect yourself to be 100% every single day until you get to goal, if you buckle and cheat, go back on the diet the second you finish that mouthful, not tomorrow, not next week. Good luck x
Hi there I am now on day 3 of exante total solution. So far have not really felt hungry or had any headaches probably as been having lots of water as recommended. Cant wait to here how you get on in your first week. Good Luck!! :):)