day 14 in the BB house!!


Full Member

I hope everyone is happy and going great guns on their diets?? I am 14 days in and can't WAIT to end this month and work out my next route -

weigh day tomorrow - was going to leave it for two weeks but too excited!!! can't wait till the morning - I wonder what the change on my ticker will be? It will change as I can feel it - am hoping for 5lb loss - crossed fingers and everything

Hope everyone having a brilliant week? still running and sticking religiously to the routine - last night went to a birthday party - I bought the cake, put candles on it - took it in with lights out and candles lit - cut the cake - shared it out - and didn't have a crumb!! I even got some icing on my finger and washed it off instead of licking my finger!!! dedicated or what? (yes I can be a bit anal!!)

Just making sure 100% that this effort I am putting in is not scuppered in any way!!

Was seriously hard tho :p talk about self discipline - I reckon fellow dieters this is about as hard as it gets doing this diet - it's no route for the faint hearted... no sireee - my friend said the CD (same style no?) was the hardest thing she has ever done - she is trying to get back on the wagon after xmas but she is reluctant because of the determination required..
In light of this I would like to say - a big fat WELL DONE to one and all :D

Right time to study now - will post my (crossed fingers) weight loss tomorrow

have a lovely day sweeties - luv n hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Wowza well done! Starting Tomorrow when packs arrive. I feel very determined and hope I can stay as focused as you ... Congrats hunny x
Well if I'm honest I probably sound much more positive than I am on the inside!! My poor partner is having to support me quite a lot - its my first time on a meal replacement system and it is hard - worth it but hard!!!- the people on here who are really impressive are the ones who have been on the diet for months - that to me is amazing!!
I can pass on tips from when i started on the Total system if you like?

These worked for me but might not for you of course and I don't mean to sound like a know it all as I deffo am not so here goes

first day was ok I was all fired up and determined but second day I had a whole shake for breakfast in the morning, a soup at lunch and a bar at dinner time which was no good for me - I was really struggling so I split the shake/soup and bar in two and didn't start on anything till after 1.30pm so that I could have some in the evening (my worst time)
this deffo helped as it seemed like there was more than there was - on the third day someone mentioned bouillon - this is fantastic - it is swiss marigold bouillon have you heard of it? can get from health shops and other supermarkets - it tastes totally delicious and you can have two a day - one teaspoon of powder to 300ml of hot water is my preference
I start the day with a large hot tea or two then I have a bouillon at 1.30 and again at 4pm
I then have a shake at 7 and so on till the bar at about nine
I find I am able to keep myself busy in the day and the bouillon is so excellent - it is a godsend

from the bottom of my heart I wish you all the very best - the results are stunning its just a matter of holding firm and distracting yourself

I run every night so that is an hour out of the day which is good - but hard cos it makes the pangs harder!!! but it is good for mental well being - not entirely sure about exercise advice but I think it is gently as it goes for first two weeks - 20 mins a day - best check out Exante web site on that a one
good luck petal let me know how you get on good luck xxx
Great thank you for the helpful tips about splitting packs. Can be any type of bouillon think if I'm right it's like cubes do them different flavours like chicken or beef.

Are you on total solution hun? How did your weigh in go, what you lost in 2 weeks in total? Can't wait to watch the weight fall off xxx
Hi BillieBimbo

Was just having a scan through some posts and came across yours. I was wondering about the Boullion. You say you can have two a day. Is that 2 in place of the bars,shakes and soup or as well as? I have been having a shake in the morning, a bar in afternoon and a soup in the evening (Had the tomato and basil one tonight...YUK!) so I can keep doing this plus 2 boullions a day??

Thanks :) x
I agree the pink soup it yuk!
Tried and failed with the soup yesterday texture made me sick not like me. So day one only had a shake and bar. Partner struggled to sleep last night complaining about cramps and headache this morning. 100% yesterday and went for a brisk walk rather than watching tv to keep us busy! This takes sheer determination! Good luck everyone x