Hello, I'm no expert, only on day 4 myself, but I've read quite a few posts where people have said they felt terrible to begin with but after a few days it passes and they start to feel really good. If you like the milkshakes then maybe just stick with them for now? And keep drinking the water to flush everything through your system. I was a bit headachy and really tired on day 2 but it's definitely improving as time goes on, hopefully someone whose been on the diet longer than me will post to reassure you
I felt the same at the start and still do somewhat, though its starting to pass. My appetite was never there for the bars or the meals and the water is hard to drink, and like you the milkshake was the one thing that didn't need to be forced. I think next months supply will mostly made up of shakes tbh. Judging by what Ive read on here it should get better in time
To be honest I hate drinking water, its the real downside of a VLCD for me, this is week 3 for me and I still feel nauseous trying to drink so much fluid BUT the diet foods/shakes themselves are great its just the dreaded water
I am on day 15 and the first 5 days were really bad and now I feel great and am 9.5lb lighter and my hubby a full stone. It is well worth sticking at it. I struggle with the water to and only manage around 1.5 - 2 litres a day and feel ok at that. Good luck everyone xx