Day 3, Just had spicy curry soup for my lunch- really didnt enjoy it!
Feeling really really hungry.. hurry up ketosis !
Infact.. as i wrote this im questioning whether i am hungry or infact im just bored... :sigh:
L xx
Aaaah - lightbulb moment... you might be bored or thirsty or any number of things rather than hungry. But what is good is that you are questioning if the feeling is real. This is a major tool you will need as the weeks go on and to start doing it this early is really good.
The next bit is to not let the other voice come in - the one which says "I don't know if I am hungry - but I am going to eat anyway. Just because I want to!" tell that child to wait and see
Woke up this morning feeling great! Wan't hungry at all had my porridge at 8 o clock.. thought i may have been in ketosis. But now im Starrvingg drinking loads of water and just waiting for 12.30! Please hurry up
L x
That is why I eat my breakfast late - between 10am and 11am. that way there isn't long to wait for lunch, then the mid afternoon snack arrives in no time and dinner is just around the corner. then before you know it is is bed time!