Day one of forever

Hi everyone,

My name is Angie and I have decided to dump my extra weight for the last time. I lost a stone last year with exercise and calorie watching only to put it straight back on when I went on holiday :0(. Never been this size and its making me really depressed

So, I am determined to get rid of it this time with exante ..... Wish me luck xx
Angiecarnegie said:
Hi everyone,

My name is Angie and I have decided to dump my extra weight for the last time. I lost a stone last year with exercise and calorie watching only to put it straight back on when I went on holiday :0(. Never been this size and its making me really depressed

So, I am determined to get rid of it this time with exante ..... Wish me luck xx

Good luck !! You can do it !
Angiecarnegie said:
Exante been a bit weird not eating actual food :( What about you?

I'm doing the Cambridge diet. Same here no food just 4 litres of water and 3 ready made shakes. Day 3 for me :)
Angiecarnegie said:
Day one over :D 100% good. Miss my white coffee though x. Ment to get better by day 3.

Be great to compare notes on the two diets

Yes that would be good to see how the both work and the results :) can't wait to get the first week over so then I'm really into it and focused :)