Attack Day ten


Silver Member
Ahhhh well say ten today can't wait to have veg tomorrow yummmmy yum looking forward to them!

I'm not weighing myself as you all know I lost 8 then had a major incident lol so keeping my weigh day to weekly which is Monday :)

Thanks to the usuals who have helped me so far and lets enjoy cruising :)

Well done Jan! Bet you never in your life thought you'd be excitedly counting down to eating veg ......! ;)

P x
I'm so so impressed and a little SHOCKED Jan!
I do not know how you've managed 10 days of this. I'm on 3 and feeling sick most of the time. Groannnn
Have you felt queasy at all?

And what are you going to have for brekkie? :-D
Why thanks kimberley :) I felt nauseous a few times but drank plenty of water. I don't know how I've done it either!! Before this I only ate chicken as don't like the taste of near much but have ate meat non stop with different favours so I'm a changed woman lol plus I was anemic and the dic said should eat more meat so maybe it's been what I needed? It's not been easy but I've had determination on my side and everyone on here is fantastic!!

I've never been a big brekkie eater so Dukan bread with a boiled egg and yogurt or oat bran porridge with an egg usually fills me up, of your able and still loosing and have over 40 pounds to loose I'd defo recommend the ten days :)

How are you coping? Xx
Well done Jan...your a soldier!
SO EXCITED about veg today. And a tad nervous.
Feel like I'm being giving a lot of freedom and don't want to mess up. This is so much so that I'm tempted to do a 5th day of Attack- but now its pointless as the weight loss has slowed right down (0.4lbs) today and its clearly time to move on.

Soo happy the sickness when. You were right Jan- just gotta keep drinking through it.
Still I am so so impressed with your Attack. Looks like you mean business! lol.

Enjoy the veg! I think we all felt a little apprehensive re-introducing it as ATTACK is so spectacular! The diet does work though, veg and all, so put your faith in The Doctor and grab a tomato! ;)

P x
Pauline I had such a great day yesterday I will never underestimate the power of a veg lol very yummy day now looking forward to every second day haha x