Thank you both

I'm hoping for 3lbs off next week *fingers crossed*
Yesterday I really wanted a curry. And I know why! Usually when I diet I do a week and if I've had a good weigh in I'll 'treat' myself to a takeaway which undoes all my hard work but I'd still do it. I really need to learn to NOT reward myself with food as I am not a dog!!
So yesterday I craved a curry and I had one but I made it myself, not from scratch but it was better than from the takeaway.
I had quorn chicken style pieces with mayflower curry sauce. And instead of actual rice I've found this wonderful stuff in asda called rainbow vegetable rice, which is just vegetables pretending to be rice! It was really yummy actually and I didn't miss 'real' rice at all.
I was a little naughty though and had some mini poppadoms

But everything was well within my cals for the day.
@Orla_D You definitely should try the fishless fingers, they're really good. I went veggie at 10 years old so don't remember what fish fingers taste like but my sister says these are quite fishy!
Much nicer than the Linda McCartney scampi anyway.
So today I've struggled a little bit because I've not been feeling well. I have dizzy spells that can last hours/days and Drs have no idea why. And today has been quite bad.
I've had to just suck it up though because I have my little nephew on Wednesdays from 9am-9pm and I can't take my eyes off him for a second!
But because I've not felt well and because I've had Noah here I've not really done so great with my food. I've had more carbs than I should have and picked lunch and dinner that were almost the same as they were quick and easy to make. So I know for next Wednesday I need to plan ahead and prepare my food the night before.
It wasn't so bad last week as my sister was visiting too and we shared the babysitting duties!