Diary of a Last-Time-Lass!


Post 1 - 22nd June 2012

Good evening everyone. This is the final time I do this, otherwise I will be signing up to Big Beautiful Women, and getting as fat as possible and then make some money out of it by eating on webcam.

I am Claire, 22 years old, just done my PGCE and am currently job searching in this shitty recession/crisis.

Dieting History

Cambridge Diet, Weight watchers, slimming world, Exante, Slim fast, Grapefruit Diet, Maple Syrup (Beyonce) Diet, Soup diet, Only fruit and veg diet, Exercise til I Pass out regime, Starvation, Atkins ... and I am sure there are others that I haven't mentioned. All tried, tested, worked then I failed.
For me, its probably not the diet that's the problem ... it's me.

I have come to realise this over the last few days. It's not something that I have thought about before. I mean, it's always the diets fault, right? I didn't eat that calorie, it just went into my body!!! (Honest).

Why now?

I got married exactly 10 weeks and 1 day ago. And in that time I have put on 10lbs. That's a steady 1lb a week! and by the end of the year, that makes me ... enormous. I did really well, and went from 12 stone 13.5 to 11 stone 5 in about 4 months. By following Weight Watchers/my own healthy thang and exercising. Then I got married, went on a mini-moon, had exams and essay galore, observations and marking coming out of my ears. Then I spent 2 weeks all inclusive in Cuba... and here I am. With my skin still golden from the 38 degree heat, I am fat and miserable! Admittedly, I am not as heavy as I started, I am 12.5lbs lighter. But I know what I DID look like, and how much 10lbs difference has made. I want to look nice ALL the time. I want to feel confident in my own skin!


I am pretty healthy usually. Obviously, having a best friend who LOVES a good social life, means that we probably eat out too much. But I need to learn that life doesn't mean salads and soups because I am dieting.
I have a pretty low immune system, if somethings about at school - i'll catch it. Kid sneezes on me - I have the worst fever a few hours later. I don't think this is related to vitamin intake because I eat lots of fruit and veg. Doctor just thinks its my immune system working less well than others, "nothing too much to worry about".
I have PCOS too. This was diagnosed last summer, and the gynae told me my insulin levels are extremely high. I have been given metformin for this ... but I have a tenancy of forgetting to take them (stupid I know!). I went through a few months 100% blaming the PCOS for my weight, and my skin etc etc. But, I know that I can help myself... and being greedy is DEFINITELY not going to help!!!!
I also have funny hips... I have a consultant appointment in July to officially diagnose what it is, but they think it is "Hip Dysplasia" meaning my ball and socket part of my hip, don't fit nicely together. The physio lady has warned me off running, and other hard exercises on the hips (I was doing quite a lot of running before the wedding ...). However, after some more advice I am going to run ... just less frequently than I used to!


My ultimate goal is to get between 10 stone 7 and 11 stone... and maintain. I will probably assess how I feel at that weight, but I was 11 stone 5 and feeling much more confident, so I don't think as much as a stone will get me even happier with my health and physical appearance.

Obviously I want to do this by christmas, meaning not even 1lb a week loss. If I do it quicker - excellent. But I am no longer going to beat myself up over a 1lb a week loss. I used to expect a 3lb+ a week loss. And would get soooo mad if I didn't lose it! But what's the point? It's not going to get me there quicker!

Now I don't have a specific event to look forward to. Wedding and honeymoon is done ... and that's what I was concerned about.
Graduation is coming up on the 17th July ... I would like to lose 4-6lbs by then. That would be ideal!

Plan of Action

  1. Eat healthily - follow a maximum of 1500 calories a day
  2. Exercise 3+ times a week
  3. Drink more water - 2litres a day minimum!
  4. Take my Metformin EVERY.DAY.


HEIGHT 5 foot 65 foot 6
WEIGHT12 stone 110 stone 7

So there we have it! Entry 1!

I plan to go to the gym tomorrow. Do an hour of cardio. And stick to my 1500 calories a day, ensuring lots of fruit and veg and water.

Will update again tomorrow.

Please give support if you have time, I will really appreciate it, and it will give me the willpower to carry on!
I will be checking other diaries too :)


Love & Rainbows

Day 1

Hello again! So today is the start of day 1. I have minimins on my phone now so that I can update as I do things - no excuse!!!

It's 10.25am, and I have already been to the gym! I did 5.25km in 45 minutes, but I started off really slow & just walking because I was soooo tired! So that will improve!

I have had a tall skinny lattee - 100 calories according to the Starbucks website.

Then I have just eaten half a banana on my small bowl of special k cereal - 200 cals.

Total of 300 cals so far.

I am wondering whether 1500 is too high. So I am going to try 1200 and see how that fairs.

I am going on a bike ride today too. 6km! So hopefully I would have burnt about 600 cals by the end of the day with gym and bike combined. But obviously I am going to bank them and not eat them!

So far so good!

Love & rainbows,


Day 1 cont.

It's 6.22pm on Saturday. Here is my complete food diary for today.

Special K, Skimmed Milk, half a banana - 300 cals
Tomato Soup - 236 cals
Crusty roll - 140 cals

Velvet Crunch Crisps - 82 cals
Raspberries - 20 calories
Grapes - 40 calories

Jacket Potato - 218 cals
Chicken breast - 165 cals
Med Veg - 50 cals

1251 calories in total

Thats not too bad for day 1! Considering I decided to start with 1500 calories, and only changed that half way through the day. Who the bloody hell knew tomato soup contained so many calories? I'll have the weight watchers soup next time!!!!
I actually counted the grapes and raspberries to make sure I got the right amount of calories too.

Plus my exercise ... so technically, I have only consumed between 600-800 calories, then you need to take into account my basic calorie consumption from breathing lol. So, logically, I should lose weight.

What has today taught me? 1200 calories racks up quickly, even when you are eating healthily!

My plan is to eat 80-90% clean food and then have the treat when and as I fancy (as long as its within the 10-20% bracket). So the bread and crisps today were my bit of naughtiness. I know I need carbohydrates, but I am trying to cut them down... because I know that works for me!

As I said... its only early evening ... so hoping that if I do get the hunger pangs later, I will snack on raspberries or grapes to keep my mind busy and the sweet urges minimal! I am hoping to delve more into my book whilst having a hot bubbly bath, will keep my mind off the food!

Hope everyone has had a good day!

Love & Rainbows

Hiiii! :D Hope you & Joshy are ok, and he's not teasing you with Maccie D's!! :) x
Hiiiii :) josh totally wanted a McDonald's earlier but then changed his mind! Haha!!!

After I posted yesterday, I made dinner and didn't even cook or eat a jacket potato! So saved some calories there!

Today hasn't been too bad...

Special k, skimmed milk, raspberries & small bit of natural yoghurt = 200 cals

Weight watchers spaghetti on toast = 380cals

Dinner is going to be chilli con carne I think with lean mince... But I am really going to have a tiny portion because I'm not really that hungry!
So from my calculations, a small portion will be 400 calls and I'm going to have a bag of weight watchers tortilla chips at 83 cals making my dinner 483, and my total for today....

1063 cals.

But I have made some delicious chocolate muffins which are probably 250 cals each!!! So I may have one of those later if I am feeling naughty

Didn't go gym today, but will be going tomorrow am!

I weigh everyday or every other day to spur me on... And today I weighed 2.2lbs less than yesterday! Obviously water weight but seeing the scales move makes my mentality better for sure!

How was your day jadey?? Xxx
So 2 days ago... My best friend and I had a "date day" ... Obviously socialising required food. I chose the healthiest possible options... And went to the gym before seeing her.

I ran 5km... And ate a total of around 1600. I know it's over - but it is being classed as my "naughty day". I had nandos salad and bits like that - but its the spoon of rice etc that adds everything up,and I'd only be cheating myself if I didn't count them in!!!

1600 but burnt 300. So not SO bad.

Yesterday.... A date day with my hubby. He is such a feeder! We drove to Chippenham, and wasn't prepared so ended up having a McDonald's lunch. To minimise the damage, I had 6 chicken nuggets and a small chips... Isn't it amazing how there is 550 cals in THAT! I ate a snickers as well that afternoon :( yesterday was not so good! However, I ate little for dinner ... 1 chicken breast stuffed with lighter mozzerella and wrapped in thin posh bacon ( I made it all myself!) as had with vegetables and a table spoon of chilli and mint potatoes. So again I approximate 1540.

I weighed this morning and I am 11 stone 12.5. So it hasnt damaged me as such, I have still lost 2.5lbs in 5 days. Hopefully if I get back to being properly healthy and 100% calorie counting I will lose another .5 or 1lb before Saturday!

Today is another day! And seen as I am working, I have little excuse to go off bandwagon as I am not in tempting company until 6pm tonight when Mr Steel is home. And then, I will prepare a healthy dinner!

Anyway - hope everyone is having a good week!

Love & rainbows

So 2 days ago... My best friend and I had a "date day" ... Obviously socialising required food. I chose the healthiest possible options
Hmmmmm I saw the ice cream! LOL! :D Hope you're ok, tell josh to get his own maccie d's, and don't drive him there or your car will stink of it and you'll be tempted lol! We only had to drive past it today, and me and mum wanted a maccie d's lol, then went to b&q and there was a burger van in the car park, and i soooo nearly went and bought a burger lol! xx
Haha - in fairness I shared the icecream, and it was half frozen yoghurt so not as bad as full on sundae to myself!!!

Today has been ok :)

Cereal and banana for breakfast, then weight watchers bagel with Philly light cheese, and a lighter cheese and onion panini... Then one of my amazing lemon cupcakes. And 1 packet of low cal velvet crunch crisps! So there was more cheese than I anticipated today... But as least it was the lower fat options. Small changes like this should help at least a little!

1150 calories today overall

Within my limit! I need to start planning properly. It's frustrating going to work and not preparing food prior to leaving house. Leaves me choosing things on the spot which is never a good idea.

If I work tomorrow I am going to go and buy a salad from asda or morrisons PRIOR to going to work. No excuses! Just an extra 15 mins.

I hope to go to the gym tomorrow too. As I haven't been for 2 days. Feeling sluggish already!

Weigh in soon - only 3 days to go! At least I have lost some already this week ... But more is obviously better!

Night night

Oi Mrs Steel, where u been?! Lol! :) Congrats on the job!! :D Hopefully be up to see u & Joshy in the next few weeks :)
Good morning!

I am not even going to make excuses. Yes I've been busy, but not so busy I can't diet or upload on here.ive been lazy!

I lost 2.5 lbs last week. And have had a blow out week. I got a new job and lots of other exciting things and went a bit mad. So have put on 2.8lbs this week. *rolls eyes* I know. That's .3 more than I bloody started off at.

I have no excuses because I could have been careful but i chose not to!

We are now on Monday. & i am starting again. I need support though, I have noone to talk to about dieting and I feel that this type of conversation keeps me going. Unfortunately I can't afford classes or diet counselling. :(

Back to calorie counting. I am also going to hit the gym. I haven't been in over a week & after the weekend I've had, I really feel like I need to.

How is exante jade?? Still at it??

Love & rainbows

Yep still at it, lost 10lbs last week and I wasn't on it 100%, so not bad :)