Diary of a new Dieter!

RhiBob New Mum

New Member
So.... I've never done this before (writing on a Forum) but I'm hoping it will be a good way of finding some support from people who are going through the same thing as me. As well as giving some support too!

I've tried diets here and there before but never really committed to them. I never wanted to deprive myself of anything. I wanted what other people had and couldn't see the problem with me having it. I have even in the past weighed more than I do now and it didn't bother me at all. I didn't even try and lose weight for my brothers wedding when I was a bridesmaid and then just got depressed when I saw the photos of myself afterwards but I still didn't try to lose weight! I can honestly say now that I am addicted to food, sweet food in particular! I would eat if I was happy, sad, bored, just because other people were eating...any excuse!!

Then came along my little bundle of joy and it really hit home to how much I will miss out on if I keep putting my addiction for food in front of everything and everyone else. Then my fiancee suggested we start a radical diet and I told him about Lipotrim. I was ready to start straight away so I did! I knew I would have to start before I went back to work from my maternity leave (mainly because I couldn't fit into any clothes other than leggings!).

I started and I had a surprising amount of will power for me! I didn't like the shakes and had to gag them back for the first couple of days but then I got used to them and found they weren't that bad. I even went to a birthday party and didn't eat or drink!! Weigh day came at the chemist and I had lost 11lb! I don't think I had ever lost that on a diet before let alone in one week!! I was so proud of myself.

My fiancee decided he would give it a go the second week to try and shed some of the pounds that he had gained since being with me.

The second week started well and I went 3 days without even thinking about food but on the 4th day I folded and I made myself food for my tea! It wasn't and unhealthy tea but it was food. Then I did the same for the next 2 nights. My fiancee was in work so I didn't spoil his diet but I am so disappointed in myself and I know he will be if he finds out! I don't want to give up on this but I feel like I need constant supervision.

I've decided that when I go back to the chemist tomorrow for my next week supply I am going to think of it as a fresh start! I'm going to put these 3 days behind me and move forward with a positive attitude! I have made myself a goal plan and remind myself to constantly look at my little boy for thinspiration!!

If anyone has any motivational advice then please post. I need all the help I can get x x
Hi Rhi!

This forum is seriously the best place to be, I literally couldn't live without it for the first few weeks. (Still come on here religiously!) It's hard to do a TFR diet on your own, especially with temptation everywhere.

Best bit of advice I can give you is water. When you feel hungry, drink water or chew on some ice. Believe it or not it will make you feel tonnes better and stop you from feeling hungry. Otherwise, come onto the forums when you feel down. There are SO many people here who are in the same boat as you, and we'll help pick you up and encourage you when you need it most.

Good luck, and let us know how you get on xx
Thanks Kayroo. I think it will help knowing there are people on here that can help! Thanks for the ice and water tip as well. Not looking forward to weigh in tomorrow but will start positively for next week! x x
You never know, the scales might surprise you. And if they don't then like you said it's a new day. Just pick yourself up and carry on. All of us have little slips on the way, and the first few weeks are the hardest.

I recommend giving this post a read, it helped me loads when I first started.



Thanks for that link, it was really good and has given me something to think about.

Weighed in for week 2 and only 2 pounds off but this has made me more determined than ever to stick to the diet 100%. Remembering how good I felt after my first weigh and how stupid I felt after my second weigh has really motivated me!!
Thanks for the link, found fred really interesting and gave me something to think about! Well, I weighed in and only 2lbs off. I only have myself to blame! Although I feel more motivated to keep the diet up 100% now!! Gonna keep positive and remember how good I felt after my first weigh in x x
-2lbs is still better than nothing! Atleast you have had your slip up early and now you can move on, if you feel like you need to slip again just remember how it's made you feel and you will feel much stronger xxx