Diet coke and sugar free jelly??

edge of forever

Full Member
Can you have too muck of these in a day????
I drink plenty of water but also have maybe 3-4 cans a day and the jelly 3 times a day!!!

oh and mixing the jelly with natural yogurt is so yummy!!!!!! just thought I would say ;)
keep an eye on diet coke intake and if you stall try to drink less and more water
jelly is about 2/3 rds of a packet a day going by the old dukan ways so god knows what it is now
and of course there are "Dukan rules" and then we make up our own minds about sweeteners. Personally I don't think it a great idea to go OTT on sweeteners in Cruise, as Consolidation awaits and the quest to consolidate and stabilise our weight, and if our sweet tooths are raging, it won't be any easier! Just "normal" portions I aim for.
diet coke is not good for you - in fact there was an article in the daily mail that said FIZZY DRINKS (not just coke) 'leaches calcium from the bones' and if you are drinking 3 or 4 cans a day, then you might just want to up your calcium levels.
I've a French Dukan friend who was really into the old sweeteners, and had a couple of teaspoons in every cup of coffee (plus yoghurts + Dukan desserts).

In Conso, she really struggled with sugar cravings... and binged, regained loads, and is NOW looking at reducing her sweetener during this next time on Dukan to rectify that side of things.

It's true that we read all sorts about sweeteners also.