Diet coke contains citric acid - which can knock people out of keosis. Coke zero and dr pepper zero don't and so won't. However, I think there's a lot of power in total abstinence and sticking 100% to what LL say - the more you go off plan the lower this power is in my view. But each to their own.
The only fizz I have is sparkling water which fills the same gap but doesn't contain anything that is bad for my body. Hated the taste to begin with but now actually really like it
The only fizz I have is sparkling water which fills the same gap but doesn't contain anything that is bad for my body. Hated the taste to begin with but now actually really like it
I believe, according to the Exante forum, that any fizzy drink without citric acid in is acceptable. I think it is malic? acid that is acceptable... not 100% sure, but whatever it is that ISNT citric acid.
SO. Coke Zero, Diet Dr Pepper,
Asda Diet Coke. Take a look there there is quite a lot of topics re what to drink.
I have always been told that you should not have anything other than water, fizzy water, tea, coffee, green, mint and nettle teas. Citric acid will take you out of ketosis